Manipulative much?

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Here's another update everyone, enjoy....!!

Adrika's pov:

As the day kick started, i can't really shake off the weird feeling of something fishy about dev and maya. Out of all the people why would he dream about a woman he merely saw for some hours? Though I immensely trust dev, but can't be a dumb bitch to ignore whatever happening in front of my eyes. With a determination to find out the truth, I headed off to my office for the rest of my day.

Entering the premises, I saw hustling and bustling of everyone which was unusual at this time, hence I decided to enquire about the same. Reaching my desk, I saw arushi engrossed in her work with the spects hanging low on her nose. Arushi is less an employee and more like my sister. She's always there whenever i need someone to hear me. She already knows about my and dev's relation as duh, arushi would kill me if she ever comes to know that she is the second person to receive a gossip involving me. She has to be the first person! 

Approaching her, i gently shook her to gain her attention but before I could speak, she said, "before you ask about the chaos let me tell you i don't know a shit about what's happening as the bitch of the boss gave me a month's task to complete by today, so kindly fuck off" ending her rant looking at me with a sarcastic sweet smile. Rolling my eyes I decided to look into the matter myself. As soon as I stepped out of the block, my boss came running towards me almost tripping in his way, but somehow managed to balance. Once arrived infront of me, he began "Adrika what on earth are you still doing here? hurry up to the auditorium if you don't want to get shacked off. He's very strict in this matter, c'mmon let's go" he dragged me with him not sparing a moment for me to ask the reason of such a chaos.

Stepping into the auditorium, the first thing that came in my sight is the presence of every employee attentively standing infront the stage as if waiting for someone special to arrive. Glancing at my side i could no where find my boss now, not getting a way out i decided to quitely observe what was being unfold.  After a short while our CEO arrived on the stage making my confusion grow more. He was an old man around 65 years and very ethical person. The way he managed the company till date is commendable, showcasing his high expertise in this field. 

After few greetings, he finally announced the reason for today's gathering, "as you all know that I have already became an aged person and soon have to hand down this position to someone else who is capable, so i decided why not now? I have found a suitable man who could do justice to this role and he already manages a lot properties and branches, so rest assured you all will get the best guidance under him". He finished off with a proud look about his decision and that made everyone go excited to meet the new CEO. And as soon as the person stepped up on the stage, my eyes went wild like saucers. The scene unfolding infront of me left me speechless and dumb struck.

Why on earth dev would possibly agree to be the CEO? What's happening around me? At that moment i literally felt that someone splashed a bucket of water on me. Well i am not overreacting even a bit!! He never discussed anything about involving in my workplace so it's pretty much a shocker for me. As i saw him giving inspiring speeches in all his glory, I couldn't help but ponder that what was his reasons for this action? A sudden sense of frustration and anger grew inside me as the thoughts of him not trusting me came unannounced in my mind. After the gathering everyone left the place not before congratulating him and so did I except for the greeting part! 

As soon as I was about to enter my cabin, I was asked to meet the CEO in his cabin. Upon entering the room, my gaze fell on dev and our eyes got locked for a short moment before sir said, "hello miss adrika, i hope you already know by now who this gentleman is. Well the reason of calling you here is that wants you to work in his team, directly under his guidance, so you are expected to follow his orders from now on", he finished off with a professional tone which screamed no more arguments.

I couldn't help but feel myself as a toy which was being passed from one person to another. I was already involved in a project and leading the team! So i quickly interjected, "sir but i am already working on one project and also leading it. What about that?", my tone came out as accusing at the end of the sentence. "well miss you don't have to worry about that, it will be handed to someone capable and it would not suffer any losses. You start preparing for the new project" with that said he left the place leaving behind me and dev. A sudden thought erupted in me that is there a slight chance that he is trying to control my life like this?

Lost in thoughts, a sudden shriek left my mouth when I felt a hand wrapping around my waist which was none other than dev's. He came closer to my ear and said, "welcome to my team darling!! See now we will be even working together". His tone was not right as I felt something weird about it. Something that screamed suspiciousness but yet again I was left in a dilemma. There are a lot of questions going on in my mind and I knew I can't keep calm before getting their answers.

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Next chapter would contain Dev's pov and it would be psychotic 😈 if y'all want me to write it, then do vote and comment so that I get the motivation.

Untill next time 😘 ❤️

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