Its ok, you're ok.

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Place: Boston

"Why do you always do this!" My mom shouted at my dad downstairs

"Me!" My dad yelled back "you're the one who treats me the way you do!"

I sat on my bed listening to them yell at each other

My older brother walked by my open door "what's wrong with you" he said

"Do you not hear them" I said annoyed

"Yeah well I don't care that much" he said "anyways I'm leaving now"

I watched him walk down the stairs in shock

"Y/n!" My mom shouted up the stairs

"No no no" I said quietly to myself going and shutting my door

I checked the time on my phone. 2am.

I looked out my window and at the house across, the triplets live down the street. Maybe they're home. I think Chris said they're home.

"Y/n!" My mom shouted again and then my dad shouted at her and then they yelled at each other, I heard something break

I opened my window and climbed onto the roof, the tree outside my house was put perfectly next to the edge of the roof, there was one branch that was a step away

I could still hear their yelling

I slowly stepped onto the tree branch and then made my way down until I was on the grass

I walked down the street till I was at the triplets.

No car in the driveway. They're parents are probably still up but I don't wanna bother them

I sat on the porch steps waiting for them to come home


Chris pov

"Is that y/n" nick said as we were about to pull into the driveway

"It is" u said confused

"She ok?" Matt asked as he parked the car

"I dunno" I said immediately taking off my seatbelt and getting out of the car

Y/n stood up as soon as she saw me get out of the car

"Hey, what ha-" I said concerned as she walked towards me and hugged me, I wrapped my arms around her as she began to cry "y/n" I said softly "what happened"

"I can't deal with it" she sobbed not looking at me

Matt and Nick silently went inside

"Deal with what" I asked stroking her hair

"The yelling" she cried "they're always fighting" she looked up at me "please I can't go home tonight" she shook her head more tears streaming down her face

I wanted to hold her in my arms forever, but it was cold outside

"You're not going home" I said softly kissing her forehead "but we can't stay outside"

"Wait but your mom and dad" she said

"Just be quiet" i said softly i held her hand and we both went inside, the light was on in the living room, I heard nicks voice

We went up the stairs as quietly as possible

Matt came out of the bathroom as we got to the top of the stairs

"Y/n" he said "you gonna be ok"

She nodded her head "yeah" she said quietly

"You know me and nick are here too right" he said "anytime"

She nodded her head and gave him a small smile "thank you"

He smiled back before going into his room

We went into my room and she sat on my bed and I sat next to her

"You wanna talk about it" I asked

She shook her head no, she rested her head on my shoulder and the tears began again

I wrapped my arms around her "it's ok" I whispered "you're ok" I added pulling her closer to me


Lil short one sorry for not writing a lot I've been busy

Chris Sturniolo imagines Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora