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"you're gonna think im crazy" I laughed as I sat across from chris on my bed 

"im scared" he joked 

"I bought socks with ducks on them" I laughed taking my shoes off 

he started laughing "you're joking" 

"I thought they were cute" I said looking down at my duck sock "and funny" 

"you are correct" he chuckled pulling his phone out and typed something "they are cute and funny" 

"just like you" I gushed jokingly as I sat next to him

he shut his phone off and put it in his pocket 


"pancakes or waffles" chris asked me as we were driving somewhere 

"pancakes" I said as I glanced at him, he pulled out his phone and was typing "but if there's bagels, im taking an everything bagel" I said making a left turn 

"over pancakes" he said "and waffles?!" 

"yeah" I said sarcastically "bagels are so good!" he typed on his phone again 


"why is it cold in here" chris groaned walking into my room 

"my windows open" I laughed sitting up on my bed 

"this is supposed to be L.A" he said going to close my window 

"hey" I laughed "what do you think you're doing" 

"its cold y/n" he said unamused 

"yeah well I like my window open" I said 

"well then you're keeping me warm" he chuckled 

"fine by me" I smiled "I love having the windows open, in my room, in the car, anywhere there's a window, I like when its open" I said "fresh air is just so great" I added jokingly 

he pulled out his phone and started typing again 

"what if you're in a submarine" he joked sitting on my bed as he typed one more thing before putting his phone in his pocket 

"smart ass" I laughed "do you wanna stay cold?" I joked 


"Y/N!" chris shouted opening my front door 

"KITCHEN!" I shouted back 

"hey" he smiled walking into the kitchen 

"hey" I smiled closing the fridge 

"what are you doing" he asked 

"I was gonna eat something, but I only have water in my fridge" I laughed 

"shocker" he said sarcastically

"well looks like were going out then" I said walking past him and towards the front door 

"what are we getting" he asked 

"I want a burrito" I said grabbing my keys "if I ever have the opportunity to eat a burrito, I take it!' I laughed 

he followed me out to the car, he was typing on his phone again


"y/n" chris said softly rubbing my back slowly, I was half asleep on top of him

"tired" I mumbled 

"I know" he lightly laughed "you wanna go to bed"

"no" I said quietly "im quiet comfortable where I am thank you very much" 

he kissed the top of my head, then he pulled his phone out and started typing 

"who are you always texting" I asked looking up at him 

"texting?" he questioned 

"I dunno" I said "ur always typing on your phone" 

"I am not always typing on my phone" he said 

"feels like it sometimes" I said resting my head against his chest 

"here" he said softly "you can see"

I gave him a confused look 

"password is (Idk sum random password) go to the notes app" he said 


"password for the note is (your birthday)" he said 

"go on" he smiled 

I typed in his password, and unlocked the note 

I started reading it, it was titled "Y/N" 

"chris" I laughed while reading the things he had written down, all these little notes about me 

"if I don't write it down right away, I know I might forget to write it down later" he smiled "it sounds shitty of me-"

"I think its cute" I smiled "awhhhhhhhh" I joked "for someone who doesn't like cringy relationship things-"

"this is so I dont forget things" he said unamused 

"so im forgetful" I said sarcastically 

"no" he said immediately "these are just the cute little things I noticed"

"im kidding" I laughed 


this randomly popped into my headdd

Chris Sturniolo imagines Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora