School (again)

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Based off real life experiences guys 😜

So there's this super creepy guy at my school, he's always looking a girls weird and trying to sleep with them. And this guy is like, an actual pedophile

I get to school early, and every morning I wait by my friends locker and I wait for her. Some mornings I get lucky and I am able to avoid this creepy guy, other mornings, not so much

Like this morning, I was walking down the hall towards my friends locker when suddenly that creepy guy came around the corner, I continued walking and ignored him. He on the other hand did not ignore me.

I got to the locker and turned my music up super loud. I hopes that he would disappear if I played the music loud enough

I was wrong

"Hey...." He said walking down the hall towards me "uh.... You were in my first period.... Last semester" he said looking me up and down in the most disgusting way possible

This guy is a whole year older than me! He should've graduated by now! He's gotta be like 20 or something?!

I just shook my head and looked at my phone

"So uh.... You ever had a boyfriend" he started talking again, he was standing far too close to me

I heard voices coming down the hall

"Well that's what we told him" one guy said

"And he didn't believe you" another one said

There was four of them, three of them looked alike

I would rather take my chances with random people over getting groped by this creep

"Hey guys" I said walking towards them

They all shot each other looks, I was so fucking desperate at this very moment

"Hey uh..." the creepy guys started saying as he slowly walked towards us

"Help me" I whispered with wide eyes

One of them glanced behind me and saw the creepy guy

"I'm y/n" I said quietly

"Y/n!" One of them said "we've been looking for you! You were supposed to come sit with me while I watched them at practice" one of them said as we walked down the hall

"Sorry" I chuckled nervously "must've forgotten"

"Wait uh...." The creepy guy said as we passed him

"Yeah well I tried to explain to coach that it's not my fault that I'm failing math" one of them said once that creep was out of ear shot I said "thank you"

"Someone needs to fucking kick that kid out of this school" one of them said

"I swear he must be like 20 or something" I added

"How often does that happen?" One of them asked

"Once a week at least" I said shaking my head "he gives me the creeps"

"Are you alone every morning?" Another one asked

I nodded my head

"Not anymore" one of them said linking their arm in mind "you seem too nice to let that weirdo be... weird with you" he said "I'm Nick"

"I'm Nate, I'm not related to them"



"I seriously can not thank you guys enough" I said

Then the bell rang

"What class do you have first" Chris asked

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