Attacked Again

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(Y/n pov)

I stand beside Maxwell in the rain, wondering if I should do something or just stand in there and take the hits. "What do fuckers want" says Maxwell. I look at him shocked, 'wtf Max' I know he can reed my mind but I did it anyways.
(Can't stop me lol)

"Looks like the bitch has protection this time, last time she almost died" RG 1 says (RG is random guy). I then took a fighting stance beside Maxwell with my dagger (picture at top) drawn. "Looks like I need to kill some more morons that mess with the wrong person" I say with an evil grin.

My (e/c) then changes to black and red, cat like eyes. Ur attacker's don't see ur (e/c) change so they think u r weak. 'I have to be careful I'm not immortal yet'. Maxwell draws his dagger/sword and gets ready for an attack.

"Ur gonna die for that comment bitch" RG 2 says. U hear muffled agreements coming from the darkness of trees that surround u. RG 1 swings at u but gets blocked and killed my Maxwell. RG's 2-8 try to attack all at once.

(No ones pov)

Ur surround but u have Maxwell's help this time around. U have let loose ur demon side that u have hidden from the world. Not even Slenderman knows; but someone from the mansion was watching the whole fight.

U and Maxwell both took out another gang that decided to kill u. Maxwell looks like he's having a blast while u; u look like ur about to loose control and once u do there is no stopping u. Maxwell knows this but let's u carry on, because he wants to go on a killing spree with u.

Then it happens; black tattoo like lines appeare around ur arms, legs, neck, and face. U lost control and have now headed into town on a killing spree with Maxwell until u get tired. U blend in with the shadows and murder 20-30 people. Once u calm down enough to gain control again u are already headed back to the mansion; u were covered in blood.

The person that was watching u at the clearing had followed u from the start and watched the whole thing. Their amazed by ur work but also confused on why the rampage even happened. When u and Maxwell return to the mansion u r soaked not only from the rain but by blood as well. Poliece sirens are heard from every direction.

Everyone in the mansion is shocked when u walk through the door. Not expecting u to be covered in blood. It was a somewhat great night; Slender let's u use his bathroom to get washed up and a new change of clothes. Maxwell went back to hell to get clean (its a demon thing) and everyone wants to hear the story. Slenderman goes to check on u only to find u asleep in his bed.

The watcher u came back and turned on the news so that everyone can hear and understand what had happened. The news about u being missing for more that 2 weeks comes up first; followed by the news of 2 residential blocks of houses that were all broken into with no survivors.

Almost everything made since to everyone, except to the watcher. The questions lingered "what happened? What caused u to snap? Why so many people?" But most importantly "what happened with her eyes?!" The watcher (u don't know who it is so they are called the watcher for right now) seen ur eyes change and kept their distance.


Can u guess who the watcher is the most commented name will be the watcher in the next chapter.

If ur OC wast part demon then u might want to switch it up. Being Herobrine's daughter means u have demon powers. But ur mother was basically an angel.

So ur half demon and half angel. I will differentiate between what half u r using and what ur powers are. But if u have any power suggestions ill probably use them.

And if ur wondering why I haven't been posting please read my book on my pets and ull see why.

Thanks for understanding 😊😊😊

Love yall creepy ghouls

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