Saving Penelope

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The group approached them as Simon let go of his grip on her... He stood in front of her protectively.

"What is the meaning of all this Mr Bassett? " The Queen looked at him furious.

"Penelope?? " Portia cried concerned, really overdoing it.

"What have you done my child? Alone in a garden.. What were you thinking!! " Portia grabbed Penelope from behind Simon pulling her to face everyone. Portia looked at the two of them.

" Portia... Let them at least explain.. I'm sure there is an explanation for all of this.. Penelope child are you alright? " Violet Bridgerton looked at the poor girl who was pale a ghost.

" What explanation can there be to this... my daughter in his embrace.. It's obvious he ruined her. " Portia looked at Simon and then glared at her daughter.

"And you?? What were you think going into a maze alone with a man with a chaperone?? Have you no care for our family, for our family name.. "

"Mother please.. it's all a misunderstanding.. "
Penelope voice trembled not looking directly at Portia.

" Misunderstanding??? No Penelope this is your ruination and of our family... You stupid.. " Portia was about to strike her.

"Lady Featherington...  STOP" Simons voice thundered

"Unhand Miss Penelope this instant. " Simon instructed, standing in between Portia and Penelope.

"You... You are responsible for this.. You lured my innocent child .. " Portia accused him pointing her finger at Simon.

Before she could finish the queen ordered all of them to stop the bickering.

"Duke Hastings what explanation do you have to give...I'm sure this was some sort of planned.. " The queen looked at Penelope with distaste.

"Simon say something mate... what happened? " Anthony came to his rescue.

" Simon.. " Lady Danbury whispered squeezing his hand.. " You need to speak up my son.. Before. " She looked towards Penelope who was trembling with tears. Simon looked at her. She was in this terrible mess because of his stupidity.

Shit he had fucked up!! Not just for himself but for Penelope as well.. He looked at everyone.. He could either take responsibility or let Penelope fend for herself, leave her to the wolves.

" I.. I. " He fumbled realizing his next words could not be taken back.

"I was proposing to Miss Featherington for marriage Your majesty! " Simon almost stuttered looking at the Queen trying hard to maintain his composure.. he had no idea what was to happen later, right now he had to save her. He looked at her one more time.. She still had not registered the words said.

"What? " Someone gasped.

"Mr Bassett are you sure that is what was happening?That your not doing this understand some kind of pressure?You were courting Miss Bridgerton, My Diamond. Were you not? " The Queen questioned suspicious of his response.

'Shit' he cursed himself.

"Yes, your Majesty! I was! but soon I realized that it was a mistake... Over the course of this few weeks I grew close to Miss Featherington, she has me completely enamoured. Miss Bridgerton and myself dissolved our courtship two days ago when I realized the error I had made."Simon said with such resolution even Simon was stunned by his own conviction.

"I got carried away trying to express myself ,clearly she had some some concerns which I was about to explain to Miss Featherington, when you found us! " He looked towards Penelope hoping that she would understand what he was trying to do.

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