Befriending Penelope.

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"Thank you Miss Featherington for your kindness.. How shall I ever be able to repay you for this? " Simon teased Penelope.

" I am sure we will come up with some sort of bargain... Your grace" She winked at him.

Penelope felt astonished as to how easily she was to speak with the Duke. The only other man she ever felt so comfortable with was Colin.. At the thought of him she searched the room for him. There he was in the arms of a young beautiful blond much different than her.
" Am I so invisible!!! " She muttered to herself letting out a sigh.

"It's their fault, Miss Featherington if they do not see you.." Simon whispered, not to frighten her.

"Oh I am sorry but mispoke Your grace!! " Penelope said eyes avoiding his.

"Come now! Miss Featherington , we are friends are we not? " Simon tried his luck. He gave her a kind smile.

" Friends? " Penelope looked up at him, looking shocked and confused.

"Of course! I for one would love to be one. If you do so permit. " Simon smiled twirling her around.

" I would be most pleased to have a friend in you! " Penelope nodded with a sweet smile on her face.

"My duty comes to and end here Your grace.. Here on Miss Bridgerton shall save you from the fending mammas. " Penelope teased as the song came to an end.

Simon was disappointed but gave her another charming smile as he escorted her back to the edge of the garden, where Daphne stood with Lady Danbury and Lady Bridgerton.

" It's a delight to see you finally enjoying the festivities, Your grace. " Lady Danbury smirked as he took his place beside Daphne who gave him a fake smile.

" It's been my pleasure to be in the company of fine ladies as such" Simon plastered on his fake charming smile as he looked from Lady Danbury to Daphne.

" Then might I suggest a promenade tomorrow at Hyde Park? Am sure the charming Lady would like your company. " Lady Danbury smiled at the two individuals who looked at each other, silently agreeing that it was a good idea for them to confirm there interest in each other publicly, providing ample opportunity for Daphne to showed off to the other bachelor's of the ton.

" I would be most pleased to be afforded this opportunity.. Should I come by Noon tomorrow? " Simon asked Lady Bridgerton.

" Most certainly!! It's a wonderful idea, the weather too has been most pleasant. " Violet smiles at Simon.

Penelope who has been watching the whole interaction as an outsider, started to retract her steps backwards to remove herself from the group, when her back hit something strong. She quickly turned around and profusely apologizes for her mistep.

"It's okay Pen, lovely to see you again.. Where were you going? Colin Bridgerton smiled at her with the most sweetest smile, ahe could ever imagine possible after... She turned around to look at the Duke who was looking at her and Colin with the most intense gaze. Penelope felt a shiver through her body.
'Why is he looking at me like that? ' she thought to herself.

" Hello Colin! " She replied composing herself. "I was just heading to the refreshments table"

" Let me tag along!! " Colin offered.

The two of them head towards the refreshment table.

"Pen are you alright? " Colin asks with genuine concern.

"Yes of course Colin, just tired. " Penelope replies focusing on him.

" I you say so! " Colin smiles at her " Where is your cousin Pen? I haven't seen Miss Thompson yet. "

Penelope turns away from him  feeling hurt, she tries to feign she had choked.

" Miss Thompson is sick Colin, she is at home getting better. " Penelope turns back to look at him, masking her pain with her practised smile.

" Oh!! Do give her my best wishes then. " Colin says " I'll see you around soon. "
Without another word he excuses himself to join his friends.

Penelope exhales the breath she had been holding after ge leaves. She was about to leave the ball when she heard someone following her, she turned around to find The Duke coming her way.

" Miss Penelope are you okay? " Simon asked concerned, he had seen her beautiful smile disappear when she was conversing with Colin Bridgerton.

" Yes your grace.. Why do you ask? " Penelope asked him with a small smile.

" I was looking for you when..... anyways would you mind taking a turn around the room with me? " Simon offered his hand, attempting to change the topic.

Penelope around him in search of something.

" Are you looking for someone? " Simon asked confused.

"I do not see anyone chasing you my Lord. " Penelope replied still looking around.

" And? " Simon continues to understand her reasoning.

" Am I not your shield against the tons matchmaking mammas? " Penelope looks at him with a serious look on her face. She genuinely believed that he only approached her w save himself.

" You wound me Miss Penelope.. Am not a superficial individual. I genuinely would love to continue our conversation. " Simon replied. Penelope looked at him to find any signs of falsehood but found none.

" I apologize your grace I didn't mean to inplicate otherwise but.. " Penelope starts to wring her handkerchief in nervousness and self doubt.

" Miss Penelope may I offer some advice? " Simon looks at her for a reply, she looks up at him and nods to continue.
" Don't doubt yourself.. I don't know why you think so less of yourself but in the few days that I have known you... I find you the most genuine bin beauty, grace and intelligence. People see you based on how you see and present yourself. " He finished with a confident smile.

" Thank you your grace! " She blushed red under his watchful eye.

Simon was extremely ecstatic with the outcome.He offered her his arm without another word, clearly to indicate he was serious in his request. Penelope slipped her arm around his, and they began to walk in perfect sync with each other. They spent the next few minutes discussing her likes, dislikes and her relationship with the Bridgerton family. Penelope assumed that he was just trying to know more about the family since he was now courting  Daphne. Simon however just wanted to spend some time in her presence learning everything he could about her. In the two weeks that he had returned he finally found some semblance of normalcy in his being, to be able to hold her, speak to her , for having his redhead in his life as a friend. Initially it was just the attraction he couldn't explain but speaking to her, observing he found she was a true beauty inside and out.

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