09: Father

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We all walked onto the ship, and I felt a guttural pain, a deep anxiety sit within my core. I've never been here, but I know this is hell. I looked over and only found Diego looking at me. I look away, why is he looking is me?

Price walks forward and looks back at us, "We will be using this cruiser as our main base away from any prying eyes." I walked past him, I felt the dread only grow. I looked back and felt like this was the last time I would ever see these people. I walk back to them, not fucking today!

It finally made sense when I saw him.

My father.

I take one step back and turn my eyes searching for one person. I see Zuri looking at me with raised brows and mild disgust. I look over and see Arabella walking forward, marching right towards my father. Diego caught my eyes, he was staring at me, right at me. Eyes that demanded a reaction, he walked towards me.

"Well," I look over at Price, "This... is a shit show."

"What do you mean?" Ghost walks up.

"That's my shitty father," I look at them before sighing, "... He's gonna try to make this difficult just to irritate me," I explain.

"We won't leave you alone with him." Ghost said bluntly before walking slightly in front of you.

"I can protect myself... At this point, my old man is far more afraid of me." I smirk, but it was a slight lie. Of course, he's wary of me. I could lose my shit quickly, but he does outrank me.

"Flaca," I freeze up and tilt my head back seeing his honey brown eyes looking at me. They shimmer and glow as the sunlight hits them. They were like fire. "Are you alright?" I study his face and pull him back.

"I'll be fine—"

"That man sent you to that stupid wilderness camp—"

"I'll be fine, trust me," I tell him bluntly. "Please," Diego looks at me shifts his weight, and sighs.

"I am not leaving you alone with him, deal?"


It was comforting to have someone behind me, to guard me. Seeing my father act professionally was hilarious, it was amusing to me. See him act like a general only to see his eyes flickering to me with a glare.

He left us alone, after talking to Price and Arabella... oh he left us alone...

I looked over, at the Marines they were chatting with the navy men, joking and laughing.

"Ah Gisele," I look over and my face lightens up.

"Alejandro, Rudy!" I greet them with a smile. Diego waves at them. The three Mexicans begin to chat and I slip away.

"Man, the corporal got an ass on her," one of the younger marines said. I froze and looked over at the group of guys. Where they... where they talking about me?

"Dude you think she's easy? I mean clearly she and the Sergeant got a thing."


Men. I sneer and the ick begins to grow.... Is that how others see me and Diego's relationship? I almost gagged. I took note of each one of them, from rank to face.

One was Dennis.


That little shit.

I stared at him before walking off, It was time to talk to Zuri. I found her talking to Arabella and Audrey. "You two," I spoke up, and both turned to face me.

"Yeah?" Zuri smirk.

"Dennis gives me the ick," I tell them.

"You two?" Both said.


"Chimp," Zuri shakes her head with a slight chuckle, "from day one he had his eyes on you. You're a tad slow when it comes to people's motives." I roll my eyes, I know that.

"So what alerted you?"

"Dennis said I look easy," I grumble, "he also said Diego is only friends with me for my body— Ow!"

"And you believed him?" Arabella asks a look of pure disappointment.

"Yes, he's pussy whipped, but that boy loves you to his very core."

I sat there in my room staring at the note, what I had to do for the trial. I sigh and walk over to my room, I want FishTart. I want some comfort. The ship rocks and I grumble. I'm seasick and I sat there trying not to focus on my headache.

Knock knock knock.

I open the door.

And there stood my father.

Dread set in, but anger took over, the unbridled rage of a little girl... I am not that little girl, I am not that weak.

"Kevin." I greet him.

"Impertinent as ever." He walks in, looking around. "I heard a few things."

"That no means no?" His hands come flying and he slaps me in the face, "molesting your other daughters?" I mockingly ask, my smile growing. His body froze. "Around me are ten soldiers ready to kick your ass, watch your steps." I lean in.

"You believe they help you?" My father mocks grabbing my shoulder.

I took a deep breath in, "DIEGO!" I call out and in a few seconds, I see his head round the corner. It took him a single look before his curious slightly afraid expression to darken and grow rigid.

"Kevin...." He walks in hands in his pockets, he looks down on my father stepping in between us. He wasn't the only one. Ghost and Price appeared.

"Admiral Gibson," Price clears his throat walking in with this dad swagger, disappointed grandpa. Ghost looks at me and I see in his eyes everything he wants to ask. Behind them, the others appeared. "What are you doing here?"

"Talking to my daughter."

"He hit me," I snitch. My father glared at me but walked away head held high.

"What was going on here?" Rudy asks breaking the silence.

"My father trying to intimidate me...."

"I never heard you call Diego by his real name," Alejandro said.

"Calling him my dead's brother name in front of my dad is wild," I said.

"Bro we thought you were in trouble," Soap said. Everyone was either in my room or around it... Too much testosterone, they need to leave.

"Dude in the middle of game night having your name screamed, wild," Gaz muses.

"You want me to stay?" Diego asks. I could see a little shimmer in his eyes.

"Are you trying to run away from game night? It's an American sport, you better fucking win.

"You shouldn't be alone," Price hums. I sigh and scratch my head.

"I'll ask Zuri to spend the night over."

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