The Response Part 3

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Yet another steaming mug of tea sat on the commander's desk, toward the guest on the far side who stared back at her, dumbfounded.

"Fuck me dead." Dr. Olden muttered. Shaking her strong, dark head, her Aboriginal features showed confusion and puzzlement.

"I know. It isn't anything we could have planned for. Yet we need to deal with it, Florry. Get yourself together and start checking out their medical charts when you're ready. After I've briefed Takano we'll all meet at 21:00 and figure out how we are going to deal with this and break it to the...shit, what do I call them? Victims?"

Dr. Olden reached out for her tea and stood, preparing to leave the office. "The Affected, for right now, is the best appellation I can think of." She turned and left through the swishing doors, as the Commander sighed deeply and turned to grab another mug and fill it with steaming tea. "Clint, please send Takano to me."

Chief Petty Officer Taiyō Takano's broad shoulders were hunched forward as he listened to the Commander brief him on his daughter, granddaughter, and the Affected crew members. His large strong hands held the steaming mug of tea as if an afterthought, and he gazed into its depths.

He slowly raised his eyes to the Commander, tears slowly flowing from his eyes.

"A daughter? And a granddaughter? Commander Neguse was son-in-law? He's gone?.... This's..." He waved one hand as if to demonstrate the vastness of the situation.

"A lot. I know. Not anything we could even conceive to be trained to handle. And fucking handle it we must." Napolitano reached across her desk with a handkerchief that floated towards Takano, who took it gently and wiped his eyes.

"What were you thinking Taiyō? Sex with an ensign? Right before lift off?" She whispered gently.

"Yeah, well our attraction built up through our training. It wasn't a flash in the pan Commander, Estre and I have feelings for one another." He looked up at her, proudly, as if daring her to find fault.

Napolitano smiled reassuringly, "Like they say, the heart wants what the heart wants. And what is done is done."

"Right," he said as he inhaled and pulled his shoulders back, his Marine training taking over the emotions he was feeling." What is it you need for me to do first?"

"I think the number one thing is that a family reunion is in order. As you are the Marine's 2nd in Command, Commander Neguse is...well, no longer with us, you are now Commander Takano. Once you're done meeting with Starlight, do what you need to get yourself ready for command and then return here at 21:00 to meet with Dr. Olden and myself so that we can work out a game plan for waking everyone."

Takano unbuckled and stood, setting the still steaming and untouched tea mug on her desk then stepped back at attention. "Aye Aye Commander." He turned and briskly left the office.

As Takano strode onto the bridge Starlight unbuckled and jumped to attention from her post at an instrument display and saluted him, her braid floating and bobbing behind her. He smiled slightly and saluted the young woman, who was technically only 11 years younger than himself. "At ease marine." He stated.

Starlight, looking a little nervous, stood stiffly, her eyes looking into the distance over his shoulder, with her legs apart and arms behind her posture.

"I'm Chief Petty...uh, that is Commander Takano. Apparently, I'm your...grampa." He smiled at Starlight who looked towards him startled. Seeing his smile and the warmth emanating from his eyes she smiled back at him.

"Yes sir, or should I call you Commander Gramps?" They both dissolved into deep chuckles, showing their hereditary similarities, which made them laugh even harder. Takano reached over and patted her on the shoulder awkwardly.

The door to Commander Napolitano's sleeping pod swished open as she entered quickly, waving her hand over the ID pad, and shutting the door behind her. Striding quickly to her bed she removed her gravity boots and slid under the gravity sheet. She unlocked a sealed airlocked cabinet at her feet and removed a Red and Black Hudson Bay Blanket. The heavy blanket floated over her gently as she proceeded to tuck it in around her.

The Commander then turned onto her side, looking at the wall before her, reaching out with a hand to activate a picto screen. The several photos of the smiling face of her mother pass by and she starts to cry.

Her fingers gently touch the pictures as she sobs "Holy shit Mom. Holy shit, holy shit, holy motherfucking shit....."

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