Chapter 21

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Leona walked around the ship that was carrying her. Her armoured mask/helmet pulled back showing her face and letting her hair flow. Whenever she had been on a ship she would either be commanding it, infiltrating it or destroying it, she had never been on a ship where she was a guest. The interior design in both appearance and practicality was beyond anything that the Imperium of Man had ever built in her time. As a Primarch, she had access to the library that contained the history of mankind. 

Many may not know it but she had tried to bond with her brothers in more than just warfare, she had by Malcador to try and learn about their hobbies. He advised her to start with Magnus since he was someone who would likely be the most informative one and could help her learn. The two of them were extremely arrogant Leona would admit that much, going back and forth in their jabs before they had to be stopped for coming to blows. This however made her slightly interested in learning about the history of mankind. When she did the first thought that came to her mind was.

Leona: 'These people are stupid'

Actions of humanity had been the same, she could see a pattern. It would start from nothing, rise to its peak and then a tragedy would stuck bringing downfall. It was a cycle, it only looked problematic and troublesome to her.

Leona shook her head, shaking off the old memories as she turned her attention to the ship again. Taking in its design, after a few months Utron had allowed her access to his library. It was different from the public library. It had most if not all the information in this galaxy from the time before the time of the Great Galactic War or GGC as some lazy beings would call it (Rehab, Marie, Tethys) would call it and then Post GGC. (Ok fine she was also one of the lazy group you can't blame her)

(Yeah right)

Leona looked around not seeing anyone, maybe it was due to her connection to the warp currently that she heard someone. She ignored it not wanting to take stress. The past months were the most relaxing and peaceful time she had in her entire life. 

Leona turned her attention to the armour she was wearing, one that Ultron had gifted her and she liked it. It wasn't the fact that the armour was far more advance than anything she had ever seen in her life nor was it the fact it could very well make the entirety of Adeptus Mechanicus lose their minds just to trying to find out's functions. No, the reason she liked it was because Ultron was the one who gave it to her. 

Leona didn't know when it happened but she had started to feel appreciation for Ultron's actions. Whether they are sparing with her and showing her different kinds of weapons to it be just sitting peacefully with her or just talking to her. No matter how big or small each time she gained a new level of appreciation for it. She remembered when she kissed him on the cheek to show her gratitude to him. It was Rehab and Tethys idea, she did not care for it at the moment but she acted on it before they left. Leona would never admit it to anyone ever but her two hearts skipped a beat when she kissed Ultron on the cheek, she was glad she had better control of her body because she was feeling the heat rising to her face before she pushed it down.

Leona was brought out of her thoughts when she reached a large door. It opened and she walked in, finding herself in the command room of the ship. The man standing in the centre turned and glanced towards her direction to see who entered. Seeing her he left his position and made his way towards her.

The being was tall standing at a height of 7 feet with curved paldrons. It had bright pinkish eyes with sharp armour-like hands and its whole body looked like it was covered in armour but at the same time seemed organic and a hold covering his head.

 It had bright pinkish eyes with sharp armour-like hands and its whole body looked like it was covered in armour but at the same time seemed organic and a hold covering his head

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Leona recognised the being as a member of the Echull race. They were a xeno race who lived on the planet of Ech in one of the many systems of the Imperium Of Tenno. The planet was locked in the area of the galaxy where meteoroids are in an abundance meaning the planet would have a lot of meteoroids hit it. The Echull race evolved and developed armour on their bodies for protection over time. When the Great Galactic War started they were one of the first races who joined Ultrons side and evolved to become even stronger due to the war. 

???: Greetings! You must Madame Leona, I have heard so much about.

Leona nodded. She decided to be polite after all, she did not command this ship. She was a guest here, not this being's superior. How weird, if they had met where she was from. Leona was sure they would have been on opposite sides of a never-ending war. 

???: My name is Grey Echull. The Captain of this beautiful vessel and part of the Leader of the Third Striker Company.

Leona raised an eyebrow in questioning as they shook hands.

Leona: Grey? That's a particular name.

Grey chuckled as he let go of her hand.

Grey: Yes. Many assume my name would be something other than Grey given my appearance.

His organic armour cover chest opened up and a large old-looking grey gash covered his skin.

Grey: I was born with this. My sire named me after the colour.

The armour closed up again Grey looked like he was looking through some past memories before he broke out and looked at Leona.

Grey: So tell me what can I do for you?

Leona: I was interested in learning the workings of the ship. Ultron suggested that I should come to the bridge.

Grey: If Lord Ultron had suggested for you to come here then I must give you a tour myself.

Leona: It would be best if I learnt from the best.

Grey: Depends on how well you learn.

Grey let out an amused snort while Leona didn't show it she too was amused by this. Grey turned around and walked further into the command room and Leona followed. 


Ultron was standing still looking at the stars that filled the dark vacuum of space. The main thing to point out was that he was standing outside of the ship's body. Looking at the cosmos of his home galaxy which Ultron long since accepted as his new world. It had been a long and painful journey but Ultron had made many allies and many friends, that's not to say there weren't those who resent him. The world they were going to have a few spiritual beings or in other terms 'Gods' of the planet. His current relationship was ok in the sense they were not hostile towards him nor the fact that the people of their planet had joined his empire but some showed him favour while some openly showed their dislike towards him. Right now the planet was having a hunting season. The various beasts during this time would be in heat and mate a lot. This in turn would increase the population of the beasts to an extreme so the people of the planet have created a culture of hunting these animals to keep a balance in the nature of the planet and for themself. 

This planet is one of the places where he had thought about putting up a team of SPIDERs to monitor the wildlife but decided against it as it would interfere with the life of the inhabitants of the planet. Just as they made it through the asteroid field the planet of Epho. The planet was a mix of green and blue with a few other bright colours. It had recovered from the Great Galactic War in the last few centuries and seems to be doing well if the reports coming in were any indication. Ultron raised a hand to his ear and spoke up, his voice echoing through the ship.

Ultron: I'll be going first.

With that Ultron jumped, no... leapt into the vacuum of space. His thrusters on his feet and back came online as he sped through the oxygen-less space-filled stars and made his way towards the planet of Epho.

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