Picking It Up (2)

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Chapter 12: Picking It Up (2)

"Harry" talking normally

'Child' Lord Death

"Ciel" the screen or novel

$Potter$ Parseltongue

*What?* thinking

"Name" the Harry Potter character version.


'Alright, onwards to the next one'

"It's getting crazier, isn't it?" Voldemort rubs his temples.

*Did Voldemort just rub his temple?!* Remus thought

*Such a humanly act for Voldemort?!* Sirius raised his eyebrows.


"Op-nothing, nothing." Sirius turned his attention to Harry on purpose, ignoring the glaring dark lord.

Harry is snickering at their act.

"Something funny, Harry?" Voldemort asks, looking annoyed and amused at the same time.

Everyone else, besides the death eaters, was staring at him strangely.

*Why did that monster call my son by his name, and Harry is laughing at him?!* Lily frowns

"Nothing, dad- Tom." Harry accidentally reveals their relationship.

Now the others are gapping, especially the Potters, Dumbledore, Marauders, and Gryffindor.

"DAD?!" Everyone shouts

Harry tries to explain, but Voldemort smugly cuts him.

"Yes, Harry, here is my adoptive son," he says, looking at the Potters smugly.

"WHY YOU?!" James sprints and almost hits him before Death stops him.

'No Violance Rule Here'

"HOW?!" Lily ask

"Sorry for not explaining, mom, dad," Harry said nervously.

"Which dad and mom are you referring to, Harry?" Lucius teases him, earning another gasp, especially from his son.

"Shut up, Uncle Luc," Harry sneers, earning another gaps


'Story later, continue reacting' Death puts them all in their seats.

"This ain't over," Sirius glares as the screen continues.

Chapter 9 - Picked It Up (2)

Cale held a bag that was twice the size of yesterday's bag as he headed back up to the top of the slums. The two siblings were there to greet him once again.

The children kept their mouth shut as they looked toward Cale. Cale smiled as he took out two small bags and pushed them toward the children.

"Take it."

"Awww, Cale is getting soft," Harry teases.

"I am soft, Harry," he playfully glared.

"Okie" Harry snickers

The young girl slowly approached him. Cale frowned as he watched the girl with coarse grey hair approach him. She had a hand on her side as she limped over to him.


Cale pushed the two bags toward the young boy.

"You come here and take it."

The Trash and The SaviourDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora