The trash and the hero met (4)

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Chapter 10: The trash and the hero met (4)

"Harry" talking normally

'Child' Lord Death

"Ciel" the screen or novel

$Potter$ Parseltongue

*What?* thinking


'I can help with that!' Death appears and flicks his hand (that doesn't really look like a hand, more like a skeleton hand 😁)

And suddenly, a desk appears with lots of snacks and drinks.

Ron (Ron with italics will be Ron Weasley from now on) immediately digs in when Hermione slaps his back head.

"Say what, Ron?" She glares

"Sorry 'mione, thank you, Lord Death," Ron said, scrubbing his back.

'Your welcome,' Death smiles.

'Alright, let's continue'

Chapter 7 - They Met (4)

Choi Han stopped leaning against the wall and pushed his body up.

His body was leaning to his left probably because his right ankle was uncomfortable, but Cale did not help him or say anything about him. There was no reason to be any nicer to him than he had already been.

Cale told Choi Han to follow him as he headed toward the Count's estate. However, an existence blocked his path.


The red furred golden eyed kitten ran toward Cale and rubbed its cheeks on Cale's shoes. Cale started to frown. He didn't like cats, but this one seemed pretty cute. However, he suddenly felt chills all over his body and turned around. Choi Han was staring at him.

'Damn it.'

A few people raised their eyebrows.


"Why are you so tense?" Narcissa ask

Cale shrugg

Cale awkwardly started to pet the kitten.

"It seems like it likes me. But I have to go. See you next time."

Cale never understood why people talked to animals. However, Cale, who had now become that person that was speaking to animals, quickly stood back up and walked away from the kitten.

"I don't know, but the 'that person' one caught me off." Blaise laughs, joined by the other students.


The silver furred golden-eyed kitten growled as if it was telling the red-furred kitten to come back while telling Cale to get lost. The red-furred kitten seemed to not want to go back as it continued to look back at Cale as it walked away. However, Cale did not turn back.

Meow, meoooooooow.

The sad cries of the kittens were getting farther away. Cale took a peek backwards. Choi Han was limping, but keeping up with him.

They made eye contact once more. Cale flinched as he quickly turned his head back. He was walking slowly to make it easier for Choi Han to keep up.

They passed the residential area and Cale took another sip of the alcohol.

Deruth sighs before shaking his head while smiling.

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