Chapter XX Part I [Bad Company]

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Episode Release Date: 25th Feburary 2023

  Another day in the weekend after the Harvest Festival begins with Sullivan getting shocked at the unusual fact that Iruma made a request for the first time ever! Well, we all know him being a total pushover, so let this precious boy have it for after all the neglect. That may not sound alike for Ryūko, who happened to pass by, gave a groan while just being down revealing she had been wearing a corset under all her blazers for the season. She sounded rather annoyed with the fact her adoptive grandfather barged through a solid door, but never said anything about it. While Opera was using a handkerchief to clean Sullivan's tears away, they asked what it was that Iruma wanted.

  That moved to the twins navigating to an apartment building to look for their fellow victor, Lead, who welcomed them at his door saying "Hey! You're both here, Ryūko-chan and Iruma-kun! And? And?! How'd it go?!" "Well, ... it's all ours!" Chuckled Iruma as he showcased two game consoles in their packagings to Lead. Turns out the small found family went on a small shopping trip for those consoles, and unsurprisingly Sullivan would want to go over the top with a large number when Iruma stated two handheld consoles was fine for him and his sister. Lead let them inside as Ryūko courteously thanks him for the invitation, knowing she might not be able to pass on a party for the Harvest Festival's greatest victors. Lead took some Screamy Soda and fruit juice from his fridge and a packet of unnamed snacks in his tail. The three walked quietly past a door with "Keep Out" tapes all over it. Perhaps Lead's sibling didn't want to be disturbed by noise at this time.

  They made it over to Lead's room, which was spacious and had loads of things, from consoles and books to game posters. Apparently, he hasn't bothered to clear up the mess over at the lower level of his bunk bed, as it was cluttered with his school supplies. Lead thought if felt weird to have someone over at his room, as a friend. Despite that, he poured themselves a drink as they shared a toast to their victory as the Young Kings! A single sip of Screamy Soda was rather self-explanatory by effects, making the person who drinks it scream loudly. But Ryūko covered her ears on that notion while remembering that Lead was the one who told them to not make a sound. Even so, she's the one who asked for fruit juice over sodas. Maybe she needed something to help her body with her anti-insomnia meds.

  They started setting up the latest hunting game on their consoles and Lead's TV. It revolves around creating one's own utilities to fight strong monsters, raise and harvest various crops, or make a village grow. That very much sounded a lot like the Harvest Festival. Once they started the games, the twins had to start making their characters. They then stumbled upon what seemed like the various Japanese pronouns people use to refer to themselves. So, before jumping in, let's break down what they exactly are, based on everyone in the Misfit Class.

Japanese First-Person Pronouns Used By The Misfits

[Gender Neutral]
私 (わたし - watashi) - Most commonly used, polite/formal.
私 (わたくし - watakushi) - More formal than わたし.

あたし (atashi) - Casual and highly feminine
家 (うち - uchi) - Generally used by young girls, college age and younger, considered unprofessional.

僕 (ぼく - boku) - Soft and friendly, can be used in formal settings. Usually used by young boys from infancy. Sometimes used by female singers.
俺 (おれ - ore) - Informal and usually used within one's inner circle or beneath them. Also unprofessional, and even considered "rough and tough". Usually used by adults.

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