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I'm honestly not ready for this, but...

Here we go...yay


Bryan had flown over from America with a few other American heroes to help Japan after hearing about the Liberation War. He wanted to protect his children the best he could, knowing how he wasn't able to before. 

He took a deep breath as he made his way to UA, seeing the wall around it. "At least they're safe..." He mumbled as he entered, heading into the school to find the other heroes and his children. He walks around before finding the meeting room, hearing a voice he knew very well. 

"We know they've been spotted here, so we'll split into teams to try and flank them," Koy was explaining a plan he had come up with as Bryan walked in, seeing his son standing there in his hero outfit. Everyone looked over, seeing the American hero. "Rocky, it's good to see you," All Might said, giving him a gentle nod. "I came as soon as I could, hopefully not too much damage has been done," he said with a soft smile, but seeing their grim faces gave him his answer. Kay went and hugged him, giving him a bright smile. "We're happy you're here now, Dad." 

"Yeah, me too, baby girl." Bryan hugged her back before walking over to the table. "What's the plan, K- er, Ground Breaker?" he asked, looking at the map that was out. "We're planning to catch a group of villains that have been terrorizing civilians that haven't been transported to U.A. yet, we need to try and protect them so they can successfully get moved over here," Koy explained, going over the plan. 

After getting the teams situated, the heroes went out to capture the villains in the area. "I'll go this way, you will go down this alley, and you go down here and loop around," Koy told Kay and Bryan who nodded before they split up, finding different villains and capturing them. "Endeavor, I got a few here," Koy said into his earpiece, Endeavor being the closest to him. "I got some, Best Jeanist," Kay radiod in. "I got some here, they've been detained," Bryan said before continuing. 

As Koy is taking down the low-life thugs, he suddenly runs into someone from the League of Villains...Dabi. "Shit, Endeavor, I-" Before he could say another word, Dabi let his flames surround Koy, making him scream in pain before using his ability to inclose himself, having a few burn marks. "Ground Breaker, what's going on?" Endeavor asked, everyone, radioing in to find out what was happening. 

"It's Dabi! He's here! He's attacking, I have myself protected but I don't know how long it can hold him off." 

"Stay there! I'm on my way!" 

"Rocky, calm down, Endeavor and I are closest, just hang on an-" 

"NO! That's my son, I'm going to save him!" Bryan dashed through the different alleys, trying to find out where his son was. 

"You think you can hide in there forever?" Dabi asked as he got closer, kicking at the dome made of stone. "Tell me, how strong is this when you're injured?" 

"I have backup coming! You'll get captured!" 

"Oh? Is that so? Well...Guess I should go, but before I do..." 

As Bryan, Endeavor, and Hawks tried to find Koy, there was a loud scream. It was blood-curdling and filled with pain...

Bryan kept running, trying to radio into Koy. "Ground Breaker! Koy, answer me!" He pleaded as he ran. Soon, he found Kay...staring at a charred body. 

"K...Koy...?" She stood there, her body trembling before Bryan came over, holding her close. "J-just calm down, he's going to be okay...K-Koy, Koy can you hear us?" Bryan said, Koy's chest slowly rose and fell. He was still alive...barely. 

" Koy! Koy!" Kay tried to look at her brother, but Bryan held her close. "Just stay close, don't look!" As what she saw finally clicked in, she started to cry, knowing her brother was close to death. Her body trembled, yet she felt frozen as she cried, seeming to have a panic attack. 

Bryan held her close, trying to soothe her as he kept trying to communicate with Koy. "Come on...come on..." he said to Koy as Kay started to cry out, making him look down at her, tears in his eyes. "I know baby, I know I know I know...! SOMEONE HELP ME!" he yelled out, having trouble keeping his daughter calm as his son's breathing started to slow. Soon, Endeavor and Hawks finally found them, their eyes widening as they saw Koy. "Oh my god...we need to get him back to UA, now!" Endeavor ordered, Hawks gently picked up Koy and flew him to UA. "Come're strong, you have to make it..." Hawks said to him, trying to go as fast as he could. Bryan held Kay, trying to calm her. "Just calm down, baby, calm down...he's okay...he's going to be okay..." he whispered to her, although he sounded like he was more so trying to convince himself...

[I let him get hurt...I couldn't protect him...I failed again...] Bryan thought as Kay cried into her father's chest. "I-I couldn't save him...I w-was so close...I was right there...I'm's my fault!" Kay cried out, breaking Bryan's heart more. "N-no, this isn't your fault, baby girl, you did nothing wrong..." He whispered,   his breath becoming shaky. 

After getting the villains they captured into jail, they went back to UA, Recovery Girl and a few doctors were tending to the young hero. "He's stable...but he's going to be out for a few weeks," the doctor told them, Bryan let out a heavy breath. "H-he's going to live...?" 

"Yes, he's very lucky." 

"Oh...thank God..." 

Bakugou ran inside, panting heavily. "Where is he?!" he yelled, Kay turned to Bakugou, tears in her eyes. "H...he's alive...he's in there..." she pointed to the room in front of them, Bakugou sighed in relief. "I heard he was hurt...fuck I was so scared..." 

" too..." 

Bakugou went and hugged her, letting her let out her soft sobs as Bryan went into the room. Koy was asleep, most of his body was wrapped up, though some of his burns had healed. Bryan sat down next to the bed, holding his hand. 

"Son...I don't know if you can hear me, but...I am thankful you are alive...See you there...I thought I failed again...I promised to protect you and your sister...I'm sorry..." he whispered, gulping softly before he continued to speak. 

" you remember when you were 6...when I snuck you to the lake? We fished for the first time? got so excited when you caught a koi fish? When I told you the name you felt like you found your spirit animal, let it go and said 'One day I'll be this fish...when mom finally lets go of me and I'll be free'...I was heartbroken, but I just kept a smile and told you that you'll be free..." 

He talked to him for a while before Koy woke up, slowly sitting up. "Ugh...fuck..." he looked and saw his dad. "U-uh, I mean...darn, that hurts..." Bryan chuckled softly. "You've been through hell and back more than anyone should...don't worry about cussing..." he said, hugging his son softly. "Heh...thanks...for everything..." 

Bryan pulled away, seeing Koy smile at him softly. "If I hadn't heard you trying to keep me awake...I don't think I would've made you saved me..." he told his father, who just smiled sadly. "I promised I'd always be there..." 

"I'm set me free..."


This isn't canon! I haven't seen any of the new season so this is just my own lil thing, but I could add it in the canon story based on how things go down

Random Things 3On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara