Chapter 6: Bella's acting weird + The Truth

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I can't shake the feeling that something's off with Bella. Every time I drop by to see Dad and her, she's cooped up in her room, glued to her computer. I've tried to sneak a peek at what she's up to, but she's always one step ahead, closing whatever she's on before I get a look. It's got me worried—what if she's into something she shouldn't be?

At the dining table, Dad and I sit with matching frowns. "Got any clue about Bella's antics, Dad?" I ask. He lets out a heavy sigh, the kind that says he's carrying the world on his shoulders. "Clueless, Clara. She's been like this since she got back from the hospital. I'm concerned," he admits.

I give his hand a comforting squeeze. "I'll figure it out," I tell him, hoping to ease his mind.

Now, with Bella at school, I'm in her room, rifling through her computer history. It's now or never. My heart skips a beat when I spot something in her recent searches—books about the "Quileute tribe & myth" and "Myths and Legends of the Pacific Northwest." Why is she digging into stuff about the supernatural? That's not real... is it? I can't help but laugh at the thought as I shut down her computer, making sure everything looks untouched.

Back downstairs, Dad's watching the game, beer in hand. "All good," I say, keeping it vague. "Bella's just swamped with a school project." He buys it, and I can see the tension melt away from his face.

I hang around for the morning, then head out a couple of hours before Bella's due back. I've got to check on the CCTV at my new clinic. Everything's working fine, and I get to work setting up the place. Medical gear, machines, tools—you name it, I'm unpacking it. By the time I'm done, the clinic's looking great, ready to open. I can't wait to show Bella and Dad what I've been up to.

Three hours fly by, and there we are, standing in front of the clinic—the product of countless dreams and sleepless nights. Dad's on my left, Bella on my right, both of them blindfolded and teetering with anticipation. I can barely contain my excitement as I stand behind them, my hands poised to reveal the surprise.

"Alright! Are you guys ready?" My voice is a mix of nerves and joy. From beneath their blindfolds, I hear Dad's steady voice, "Yes honey! Whenever you're ready," and Bella's uncertain mumble, "I guess?"

I grin, feeling a rush of adrenaline. "3...2...1... SURPRISE!!!" I shout as I whip off their blindfolds. Their eyes widen, taking in the sight of the clinic—my clinic.

Dad turns to me, his eyes shining with pride. "Clara, honey! This is amazing!" he exclaims, pulling me into a bear hug that lifts me off my feet. Bella's gaze sweeps over the building, a smile slowly spreading across her face.

I lead them inside, my heart swelling with pride. The reception area is bright and welcoming, the walls adorned with soothing colors. The examination rooms are equipped with the latest medical technology, each machine standing ready to serve the community.

Dad's laughter echoes through the space as he jokes about being the first patient, while Bella's eyes linger on the framed certificates and diplomas that line the hallway. "You did all this, Clara?" she asks, awe coloring her voice.

I nod, feeling a sense of accomplishment that words can't describe. "I did, and I can't wait to get started."

As we tour the clinic, I explain the services we'll offer and the community programs I've planned. Dad listens intently, nodding along, while Bella seems lost in thought, perhaps considering her own future contributions.

The day ends with promises to celebrate properly once the clinic opens its doors to the public. As they leave, I stand at the doorway, watching them go, a contented smile on my face.

The next day as the morning sun had barely crept above the horizon, my phone buzzed with a new message. It was from Bella, asking to talk after school. That simple text sent a wave of concern through me. What could she possibly want to discuss so urgently?

I tried to push the worry to the back of my mind as I focused on designing flyers for my new clinic. "Healing of the body, mind, and soul," I had decided to call it—a name that encapsulated everything I hoped to achieve. With each flyer, I poured in my vision, hoping it would resonate with those who needed care.

Once the flyers were ready, I set out into the town, my steps rhythmic against the pavement. I placed them on lampposts, in café windows, and at the local library—anywhere they might catch an eye. The flyers fluttered like little flags of hope, marking the path to recovery and wellness.

As the afternoon waned, I found myself back at home, the stack of flyers depleted. I sat at the kitchen table, the remnants of my promotional campaign spread out before me, and waited for Bella's school day to end. The clock ticked away, each second stretching longer than the last, until finally, the sound of the front door announced her arrival.

"Hey, Clara," Bella's voice was tentative as she stepped into the kitchen. "Can we talk?"

I nodded, my heart in my throat. "Of course, Bella. What's on your mind?"

She took a deep breath, and what she said next, left me feeling confused and in denial as she said something that left me completely speechless and everything I once believed in was completely turned upside down.

Bella's gaze was fixed on me, her eyes flickering with an intensity I'd never seen before. "Clara, you have to believe me," she implored, her voice laced with urgency. "The Cullens... they're not like us. They're vampires."

I stared at her, my mind a whirlwind of confusion and skepticism. "Vampires, Bella? That's impossible. You're talking about creatures of myth," I countered, trying to maintain a grip on reality.

But Bella was relentless. "Listen to me, Clara. It's the only explanation that fits. They're all adopted, yet they share those distinct golden eyes, that unnatural paleness. It's like they're from another world," she explained, her words tumbling out in a fervent rush.

I shook my head, still struggling to accept her theory. "But Bella, adoption doesn't mean they'd look alike. And eye color, skin tone... there are explanations for those things."

She bit her bottom lip, a clear sign of her inner turmoil. "It's not just their appearance," she insisted. "They hear things no one else can. They react to whispers from across a room. And Edward... he was nowhere near me when Tyler's van spun out of control. Yet, somehow, he was there in an instant, pushing me out of harm's way."

Her conviction was palpable, and as she recounted each detail, the walls of my denial began to crumble. The more she spoke, the more the pieces fell into place, forming a picture that defied logic but aligned perfectly with the evidence before us.

A heavy silence fell between us as I processed her words. Then, it hit me—the realization that Bella's wild theory might just be the truth.

"Oh my god," I whispered, the revelation sending a shiver down my spine. "The Cullens... they really could be vampires."

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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