1 • My First New Friend

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I pace endlessly around my small apartment, stopping every now and then to examine the note Gia gave me. I had pinned it to my bulletin board, which has been rather empty lately. Against the old, white papers that I have from before, its lavender color is flower in a field of weeds.

She said many confusing things, but there's one thing that really troubles me. That note addresses a name. My name, and which Gia couldn't have known when she wrote it. Right?


Cold sunlight seeps through the window, hitting my eyes at the perfect angle so I have to contort my face to a squint. I'm shivering uncontrollably as I get out of bed, and as I enter the tiled bathroom, the floor might as well be made of ice. I really don't get how it can be this cold when just last night I was fanning myself to bed. Not to mention, summer just ended. But having a heating system is expensive, just like having an air conditioner, which is why I don't have either.

This might be the first time I've been excited to start school again after summer break. Because this time, I'm going to Crescent High School. It's a prestigious institution for those who can afford it, since it has such a wide variety of learning opportunities. Not to mention, it's well known by many universities, all of which have high regard for it.

I'm lucky to go to this school. I'm lucky that they let me attend, even though I can't pay all the fees. Right now, my job barely covers my rent, and I still have to set aside a good amount for Mom. But she doesn't have to know. No, she can't be allowed to know how I've been living for the past two years. All that matters is that I'm getting a chance to change that.

I sprint to my bus stop, barely catching my bus before it leaves. It's only six thirty now, but the next bus comes at seven, and I don't have time to wait. Normally I wouldn't bother coming this early, but starting today, I'm going to need a bit more time to get to school. To be honest, I'm shocked that I was even able to get here so soon.

"Good morning, Jaden," the bus driver greets me.

"You too, Mr. Green," I reply with a smile. He's always the driver in the mornings, and always kind to passengers. Mr. Green is an old man who could probably be my grandfather, but he's healthy as a horse and more active than most kids my age. A friendly face on the Beta, and the only one at that.

I tap my phone on my way in, it's glowing screen open to the Beta app. Even Betas have a paying system. Quickly taking a seat close to the front of the bus, I notice that it isn't as crowded as it normally is. Come to think of it, it wasn't very crowded yesterday evening either. But who am I to complain?

"Where're we going today, son?" Mr. Green asks, careful to keep his hands on the wheel and his eyes on the road.

"School, sir," I tell him. "It's the first day."

"Well isn't that a surprise? And you're actually attending this time?"

"Yes, sir," I answer. I'm not really surprised that he's asking. I've been skipping school a lot since I started high school, to work a few extra hours. Three years ago, I really was dirt poor.

But not now. At least, not so much now. Now, I've got to try my hardest to get a good job, so that I'll be able to support my mom and me.

"I think I'll be going more often this year, sir."

"How many times do I have to tell you you don't my have to call me sir?"

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