15.Birthday Suprise

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*This is connected to part 39 on tiktok*

It is Sebastian's birthday and normally you would all be on holiday somewhere hot celebrating but due to being pregnant you both decided to wait till after the baby is born which will be in a couple of weeks .

Your busy sorting Seb breakfast out in the kitchen when Lexie comes rushing in " Daddy coming" you quickly place Seb breakfast on the table and stands with Lexie in front of you . Seb walks into the room flicking through the post in his hand " HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" you and Lexie both shout which course Seb jump out of his skin " Jesus Christ" .

Lexie runs up to him rapping her arms around him " happy birthday daddy I made you a card" he stoked Lexie hair " aww thanks sweetie". He looks up at you to see you have one hand on the side of your bump frowning " hey are you alright?" He places the post on the table and walks over to you " yeah Im fine just got a bit of cramp " .
Seb frowns at you unconvinced that it is cramp "I made breakfast your is on the table me and Lexie have had our" you walk off back in to the kitchen " daddy open it" Lexie hold up a present to seb he takes it off her " oh I will sweetie after breakfast " .

A little later Lexie is sitting on yours and Seb bed while you plat her hair Seb comes walking into the bedroom doing his shirt up " So who is coming to lunch?" You take the clip out of your mouth " umm my my mum and dad they wanted to see you before they go on holiday Luke is he's away at soccer camp and Cassie she is busy hating the world at the moment and your mum and step dad are coming that's about it then the weekend chase is taking you out to celebrate properly " . Seb looks in the mirror sorting his hair "I thought you were coming out at the weekend to? He turned to you "I was but I can't get a babysitter for madam " you tickle Lexie under the chin "Anyway the way I have been feeling lately I think it's best I stayed home" . After you finish Lexie hair she stands up on the bed "don't worry daddy I look after mummy" she rap her arms around your neck . " I know you will sweetie why don't you go downstairs a play for a bit we will be down in a bit" Lexie nod then jump of the bed and rushes down stairs.
" I hate it when she doesn't I keep thinking she going to break a leg or something " .

A few hours later everyone is gathered in the living room chatting away while your busy sorting lunch out .
You just about to plate the food up when you get a pain " oh god please not now " you place one hand on your bump and the other on the work top .
Seb comes walking smiling " Your dad on top form with his" he noticed that your in pain and rushes over to you then place his hand on your back" sweetie" . You wave your hand at him" I'm fine I'm fine it just cram " you get another contraction which is more stronger than the last.

A few minutes later Seb coming rushing in from the car " right everything is in the car so come on " you stand with your hands on your hip " I'm fine now let have lunch" you get another contraction which causes you to bend over in pain. Georgeta comes out from the living room and places her hand on your back "listen if I was you I would go to hospital because I don't think this baby this going to wait" you shake your head and begin to cry"I'm sorry I'm so sorry I have ruined everything it wasn't meant to be like this Seb " .

Seb please his hand on you cheek and whipe a tear away " you haven't ruined anything sweetie I have loved today im with all the people I love and " you grab hold of Seb shirt as you feel another contraction coming on " it hurts make it stop" .
Your dad appears at the living room doorway " Y/N stop being stubborn and go to the hospital Seb don't worry about things here we will sort things" Seb nod as he leand you away " wait Lexie she " .
" Don't worry about Lexie I will look after her now go" Georgeta follows you and Seb out to the car , Seb helps you get in to the car " thanks mum " she gives him a quick hug " go otherwise she will be giving birth in the car ".
Just as seb drives out of the drive way Lexie comes rushing out of the house Georgeta manage to grab before she run on to the road she bends down in front of her " Lexie listen your going to have a sleep over at mind tonight is that ok?. She nods and looks confused "but where had daddy gone?" Georgeta pushed some hair behind Lexie earlier "darling daddy had to take mummy to the hospital but everything is going to be ok " Lexie looks down the road then back at Georgeta " will they come back? " Georgeta nod "yeah they are coming probably tomorrow morning or afternoon " . Lexie rap her arm around Georgeta neck to give her a hug Georgeta pick her up and carry her back inside.

A few hours later at the hospital the nurse look up to you from between your legs "Y/N the head is almost here just need you do give on more big push on your next contraction" Seb take your hand in his " you squeeze my my hands as hard as you can sweetie " you shake your head" can't I'm tired " . Sebastian brushed some hair out of your face " I know you are sweetie but think soon we will have a beautiful baby just think we will have Lexie and our baby " you squeeze Seb hand as you start to push and scream in pain " that it's Y/N it keep pushing that it the head is out" . Seb kisses your forehead " good girl" you try to catch your breath " I'm sorry Seb this wasn't meant to happen I ruined everything" he smiled at you " no you haven't you are about to give me the best birthday present ever so I think today top any other birthday I have ever had "

" Even that birthday holiday in Spain on the yacht " he smiles at you and nods " Even that one even though that was very memorable"
You grab Seb's hand again OW! " you start to scream and you push " one more push sweetie that all it takes one mo-. You squeeze his hand a little too tight "Ow sweetie that hurt just" you give him the evil.

"Congratulations you have a baby girl " Seb smiles with joy " you hear that sweetie another girl we " he looks over to you and notices you have passed out " honey" he looks back at the nurses "what going on? " .

A few minutes later Seb sits outside your room tapping his leg on the floor when the doctor came out of your room" Mr Stan" Seb jumped up out of his chair " is she ok what happened? " . "She hemorrhaged and she lost quite a bit of blood which we have managed to stop" Seb breaths a sight of relief " can I see her ?" The doctor nod "of course I will get a nurse to take you ".

A while little later Seb is sat by your bedside flickering though his phone when you start to wake up ,you groan and frown a bit Seb looks at you and stands up "hey sweetie" you slow start to wake up everything is a little blurry to start of with but after a couple of blinks Seb face becomes much cleaner " hi " you give him smile . He kisses you on the head " where's Lexie?" He sits back down and pulls his chair a bit closer " She at mum having the time of her life " , you chuckle and groan " where where the baby ?".
You become a bit more awake when you realise there is no baby you try to sit up "Seb where the baby where ow " you lay your head back down on the pillow " the baby fine she in the nursery" you turn your head to look at him " why do I feel so groggy?" . Seb shift in his seat " you sweetie hemorrhaged you lost a lot of blood " Seb kiss the back of you hand "oh that's so that's why I'm hooked up to that thing" you point to the blood bag hanging up Seb smiles and nods .

It's quite late at night in hospital room your cuddling up to your newborn daughter you stoke her hair " You know your sister is going to love you yes she is" you look up at Seb who just finished his phone call and you can tell by his face he is worried " what is it what's happened?" . Seb turns to you and smile a little " it nothing it's was just mum checking in " he sit next you on the bed and put his arm around you " Seb I know you and I knew when there something up what is it? . Seb plays with the baby blanket then stoke his daughter little hand " it nothing it just mum said Lexie is not settling that all".
" Go and be with her" Seb look at you and frown " no you need me here " you place you had on his thigh " I don't actually there not a lot for you to do till morning so go and be with our other daughter please " . Seb nod " only if your sure ?" You nod then kiss Seb on lips he climbs off the bed and puts his jacket on " text me if you need anything" you give him a big smile "oh don't worry I will".

A hour later Seb comes down his mum's stairs and walks into her kitchen " she settled now " he takes a seat at the kitchen table his mum pases him a coffee and she sit next to him " what did you tell her ?" He takes a slip of his coffee " oh the truth that she now a big sister and that mum and baby are fine " . Georgeta smiled at him " I'm proud of you know that" Seb sat back into his chair " why? " He takes another slip of his coffee " well you took on another man child that never easy and you have just given me another granddaughter that why" .

"I almost lost her mum " he starts to tear up Georgeta place her hand on Seb "what happened?" He clears his throat " she hemorrhage and lost quite a lot of blood and in that moment I genuinely thought I was going to lose her " . Georgeta squeezed his hand " but you didn't did you" he takes another slip of his coffee "I know that why I'm going to ask her to marry me mum " Georgeta looks quite surprised at Seb " I almost lost her and I can't live my life with our her mum and for once I have found someone I can see a future with".

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