At Midnight - 2

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Several days had passed after the accident and his wife still didn't knew about it. Jay didn't tell her.

When he arrived home that day he took the bandages off so his wife wouldn't be worried seeing it. He told her that he had worked till tomorrow and that he could not call her to inform her since his phone was dead.

She believed him but seeing him hissing when he stands up or limping with one foot, made her worried.

Jay was not the Typ to lie about something and that is why it made her question about it.

Jay was getting ready for work. He was tying his necktie while looking at the mirror. When he finished he left his room with his bag on his hand.

Jay got up early today because he hadn't been able to sleep. His head suddenly started to hurt in the middle of the night and it was hurting bad.

It should actually be recovering right now since it had already been a week but it still isn't.

When he arrived at the school, he was greeted by some of his students in the hallway.

He replied with a warm smile or a ‚hello'.

Jay entered the classroom and placed his bag on the desk, sitting right after. He saw the time and it was about to start the lesson.

Jay talked about some animals that the world had, and his students were all listening.

It was 6:00 pm when school ended.

Jay actually was planning to go home as soon as possible since his headache wouldn't leave him alone but to his surprise some of the teachers wanted to have a drink tonight and invited him to come.

Jay was ready to say no but was forced to come by one of his closest friend.

He had no other choice and lastly went there.

It was already 10 pm and jay was still with the teachers in a restaurant near the school.

The all were drunk from all the alcohols they had drunk. Jay was the only one who was still in his sense.

Jay watched them talking about some useless things. He looked at the time and decided to leave since it was already dark. But first he had to send his friend at home.

After a long night, jay was standing at the bus stop. He was texting his wife that he'll be home in a few minutes and that she could go to sleep right now.

Suddenly he heard a loud thunder and it began to rain. Jay luckily had his umbrella, which he repaired at home since it was broken.

He took it and opened it holding it on his right hand.

He was looking at the ground when the memories of that day came. He was afraid of something happening today too.

He checked his side to be sure no one is about to attack him, infront of him and lastly behind him and from afar two person was to be seen, who were coming in his direction.

They looked very familiar to him and suddenly it hit him, it was him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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At midnight |. jayhoon Where stories live. Discover now