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Wow, took me a while to make this and it's actually pretty short as well—

I don't know if I gave Jeongguk's das a name already so if I did, please comment it so I can change it but for now I made up a new name :')


"Dad," Jeongguk smiles as he walks up to an older-looking man and hugs him. The man hugs him back, however, his eyes are fixated on me.

His deep grey brows dig a little deeper down when he notices my curious stare back, his dark eyes showing a hint of anger and his frown creating even more lines in his face than he already had. Yet, he looks younger than he probably is. His hair, decorated with grey strands, is the same dark color as Jeongguk's, and the way he stands and moves radiates strength and power.

"Son. You failed to enlighten me about this sudden development in your relationship with your mate," the man states, clearly not happy with this matter.

"Father, this is Kim Taehyung. I thought it was about time you met him. Taehyung, this is my father, Jeon Mungguk," Jeongguk introduces us as he stands next to me again.

"Alpha Jeon Mungguk," the man corrects him and then he looks and me. "But you already knew that, didn't you, Kim Taehyung?" his eyes glimmered with a shiver and for a moment I couldn't breathe.

"Alpha, are you sure he's the right one? He's only a child..."

"He's an Omega, one of the not-so-many left. I'm not taking any risks."

I see Mungguk and hear my mother scream and then the vision fades from my mind. I'm pretty sure this never happened, it looked like a dream, yet it felt so real it left me shaking.

"Taehyung, are you alright?" Jeongguk asks me. Then a glass of water comes my way and I look up to see Mungguk looking at me with a worried face, completely different from before. As if it didn't actually just happen...

"Yes, I'm sorry, I don't know what happened. It's very nice to meet you," I managed to get out and reach out my hand. "Alpha Jeon." I let a smile adore my face and see him frown.

"Well... Apparently, my son brought home someone with manners. This, however, does not fix any of the problems we are now facing. Such as your already chosen Luna," Mungguk says and looks at his son after shaking my hand.

"We trained Wheein to be your Luna. I understand you want your mate with you but there is no time. Tomorrow the ceremony starts and you will become the Alpha. Wheein is a perfect Luna, I'm certain Taehyung doesn't even truly understand what a Luna is," Mungguk says and looks at me. "Don't you?"

"Father, I want Taehyung by my side and no one else. I'll teach him what he needs to know, everything will be fine," Jeongguk says before I can even reply.

"I thought I taught you how to put the needs of your pack before your own. You truly think you'll have enough time to teach someone this unknown while you're just taking on the task of the main Alpha?"

"And what if I teach him, Alpha Jeon." We look to the side to see a beautiful girl in a long blue dress. She wears her dark hair in a long braid with a few curly strands on the side. She looks absolutely gorgeous yet something tells me this is not the way she'd dress if she had any day in it.

"Wheein. My savior. See, father, it'll be alright. Wheein and I can both be with our mates and Taehyung will be able to become the Luna of the pack," Jeongguk says.

"Son. A word," Mungguk says lowly after a few seconds of silence and takes him to his office.

"Don't worry, I'll be back in a sec," Jeongguk smiles at me, not worried at all, and pecks my lips briefly before leaving me with Wheein, all confused and worried.

"When he told you not to worry, he meant it. If needed, I'll just become the Luna and once Jeongguk is the Alpha, he'll change it anyway. He's way too smitten over you," Wheein giggles and then reaches her hand out to me, "I'm Wheein, by the way."

"Taehyung," I smile slightly and shake her hand.

"Yeah, I know. He even talks about you in his sleep," Wheein smirks. I felt a blush creep into my cheeks but a boost of confidence made me smile.

"He does?" Wheein nods.

"When you were kidnapped, Alpha Jeon arranged for us to marry if you wouldn't be introduced to our world in 2 more days, which left Jeongguk stressing seeing you were gone. Then Jimin came back with the bad news of you finding out about their kind in the worst way possible and it was the last thing Alpha Jeon needed to settle our arrangement.

"I slept in Jeongguk's bed, he lay on the floor, and every night that he managed to fall asleep, I could hear him talking about you. He was arguing with someone, angrily, saying you belonged with him. Then, some nights he was confused and angry about his feelings towards you, as if he didn't know you but loved you all the same. Probably his wolf trying to forget about you to save them from the pain it'd cost."

I listened to her with much surprise. I remember how him and I being away from each other had hurt me but I didn't think it haunted him this much.

"I'm glad I got to meet you, Taehyung. We don't often meet nice humans who accept us. Then again, you're a special case of course," Wheein smiles. I smile back, not sure what to think of the last sentence, and tell her it's nice to meet her too. It truly is. Wheein seems genuinely nice and understanding.

Then the doors open and Jeongguk and Mungguk walk out together.

"Kim Taehyung. I permit you to stay in my pack and to be my son's mate. However, I do not accept you as the Luna of our pack, the successor of Jeongguk's mother."

I look at Jeongguk to see him look down rather disappointed.


Jeongguk looks up as if he hadn't expected those words which makes me curious as well.

"There is something I need you to do before I can let you become the Luna of our pack, Kim Taehyung, but it won't be an easy thing," Mungguk tells me. I nod, not sure what to expect, and feel Jeongguk holding my hand which fills me with a hopeful feeling.

"Jeongguk will become the pack's Alpha and you may join him in his title by becoming the Luna after you... after you survived an Alpha's bite and turned into a wolf yourself."

My eyes widen as Jeongguk turns to his father fully in shock.

"No. Not happening. He's already part wolf, father, that must be enough," Jeongguk argues.

"As long as I live, this will be the arrangements. Behaving like a Luna and protecting your people like a Luna are two different things. Now I don't doubt he can be there for our wolves, it's not their job to protect Taehyung but the other way around. He might be a part werewolf, he has no wolf, no additional strength."

I felt a little sick, my stomach turning. 'Survive' he said. There is a chance I won't even survive the bite...


"Enough. I've been easy on you, boy. Any other pack Alpha would have tossed him out of their pack, but I care for your happiness so I wouldn't." Mungguk was angry.

"You care about my happiness and that's why you force my mate to go through a procedure that could end up killing him?!" Jeongguk asks angrily too.

"He doesn't have to. But it'll mean that Wheein takes on the title of the Luna. You two can still be together, he just won't be the Luna. Tomorrow, you become the pack Alpha. If you're certain you won't do this, Taehyung, Wheein will join the ceremony." With those words, Mungguk turns around and leaves me with a decision I'm not sure I can make.

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