Long Day

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05/22/2023 during Monday Night Raw.

Joel still hasn't the coffee date it wasn't because they lost interest if anything their interest in one another was only growing by the instant as they had been texting for the past two weeks getting to know each other a bit better. The reason they didn't have that date was because both of them just didn't have the time. 

Samantha was busy but Joel was equally as busy as he pushed the limits of a hyperextended elbow. It was getting better but just couldn't be stretched that far limiting what he could do.

So Joel was in a better mood at Raw sitting in Triple H's office with Joel being finally cleared to compete by medical. They discussed the good news before the subject of his entrance theme came up. Hunter says "You have to change your entrance theme."

"Why? I like the one I got."

They have been having this conversation for the last five minutes. Hunter says sympathetically "I understand that and if it's any consolation I like it as well but it doesn't make sense anymore." Hunter takes a second before quoting the lyrics "We the ones. It doesn't make sense when it's just you."

Joel says stubbornly "But I got to stay repping the bloodline."

Hunter says "Sorry. The decision's already been made just" he makes speech marks "Rep another way."

Joel sighed anybody else he would have fought tooth and nail to keep it but not Hunter. He was his original mentor all the way back at NXT. "Okay. Do I at least get input?"

Hunter asks "Depends on how much input you want?"

Joel shrugged with a wide smile "A lot."

Hunter informs "That can be arranged. You can either work with our guys in the studio to make the song in time for Night of Champions or try to reach out and see what you can make happen. But for tonight you have to do an interview for Night of Champions with Saxton. We would have had you on Miz TV with Seth but you've only just been cleared to compete and we both know how those things tend to go."

Joel nods "Well if that's all. I'll see you when I see you." Joel shakes his hand before he exits his office heading to the interview room. He didn't have to wait long because when he arrived everything was already set up. He daps up Saxton "Saxton my man. How you been?"

Saxton says "I'm good. How are you?"

Joel smiled "Feeling Ucey."

They both take a seat as Saxton says "That's good. We got a little bit of time today for some questions."

Joel smiled "That's fine by me just don't dig too deep."

"Okay. I'll start slow and ease you in. So first question. What is your relationship with Roman Reigns? You used to be his most trusted associate. You solved multiple problems for him but now you stand here in front of me challenging for a World Title while Solo stands in your position. Are there any grievances about that?"

Joel looked taken back "Woah, that's a lot to unpack, I thought we said we were starting slow." Saxton smiled as he sighed "Me and the Tribal Chief's relationship is built of respect as well as love. That's my blood you know. He was always around at my house with my older brothers so I looked up to him that same sort of way and then when I got to Smackdown in 2020 I needed that help.

Roman offered that guidance because that's what brothers do. I stayed with him in the trenches for two and a half years. He'd said jump? I would say how high because I trust him. He lifted me up and taught me how to be the Samoan Nightmare because before that it was just a name. And now I'm challenging for the World Heavyweight Title and I owe a portion of that to Roman and now he's doing the same sort of thing with Solo my twin, so of course there aren't any grievances."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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