First Night PT.1

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Joel Fatu was feeling like a man on an Island right now. Normally Jojo was used to being on the Island of Relevancy but now he was all alone. He would have to build his own Island of Relevancy because he was drafted he was now on Raw without the Bloodline.

No Usos. No Solo. No Wiseman. No Tribal Chief.

He was completely alone with no backup for the first time in three years when he used to be on the Red roster as the US champion, something that made him feel uneasy. He was used to keeping his head on a swivel but this was the first time in a long time he actually had to keep his head on a swivel as he walked backstage anticipating something to happen.

It was the consequence of his actions over the past four years. He knew he made some enemies because of his time in the bloodline but he always kept them in his rearview mirror. However, they finally caught up to the fourth-generation superstar.

He knew certain people felt a certain way and Joel wouldn't be able to control their feelings so he expected problems to arise but he would have to wait till they presented themself but until then he would keep moving forward and focus on what he could control.

He was going to focus on the gold because it was the only thing that talked on Monday Nights. There was the tournament to be the inaugural World Heavyweight Championship, a tournament in which he was participating.

In his first match, he would verse Matt Riddle somebody the Samoan Nightmare pinned at Backlash in a four-on-four match to score the victory over Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, Drew Mcyintre, and Matt Riddle and win in his final match in the Bloodline for the foreseeable future.

He was hoping to replicate his success however if he didn't he wouldn't beat himself up about it, he would shift his focus to Gunther, the Intercontinental Championship a title he never lost. If he ever found someone that had his back here on Monday Nights he would focus on becoming the Undisputed Tag Champions (if his brothers failed). That way he could go wherever he pleased.

He was stretching as he mentally prepared himself for his match against Riddle when he got stopped by his least favorite half of the new Undisputed Tag Champions.

Sami Zayn.

Those titles still looked weird not on his brother's shoulders.

Joel didn't want to talk to Sami Zayn too focused on his own problems then on the mind games Sami had been playing on him and Jey for the last three months, so he tried to push him away. "Sami, I'm not in the mood for you messing with my head tonight. I've got a match tonight and another one after."

"I know. That's why I'm not here for a fight. I'm only here to wish you luck, I've been wanting to tell you something for a while but you've been avoiding me like the plague since Wrestlemania." Sami wasn't wrong that he had been avoiding at attempting to avoid him at all costs but it hadn't been working at all.


Joel looked at him angrily "Only my friends call me Jojo. You shouldn't even talk to me."

Sami felt rebuffed as he said "Fine Joel be like that. I just want to tell you that I think you are World Heavyweight Champion material because I've seen how you operate and now that you're out from the Bloodline this is the chance for you to be the one. Like everybody knows you can be."

"Sami. I'm still in the Bloodline, I didn't leave." Joel stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Sami inquired "So why are you here on Raw instead of on Smackdown with the Bloodline?"

Joel didn't have an answer so Sami continued probing "Need I remind you that you are here because Roman was drafted with the number one pick with Heyman and Solo? There was no Usos, no Joel Fatu, no mention of the Bloodline. That's because it's crumbling but it doesn't have to be the end for you. There is life after the Bloodline."

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