Chapter 9 : ...who are you?...

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As eron stood his ground against atlua, with a damaged Nico behind him and with Jasmine and Jayz constantly trying to break down the door with no success, he was up as the only one able to save Nico, and as he landed the vigorous punch against Atlua, sending him back, he was ready to use all of his energy to finish the mission

As atlua stumbled back from the punch, he giggled a little

"...I have to say kid... you have more guts than I thought! But... I think it's time to stop plying around..." he said with his smirk disappearing as his arms turned to whips once more, as they swing at Eron, he crafty touches them with a slide , closing the gap between the two

"...let's do it then..."

He swung hard, hitting atlua perfectly in jaw, sending him stumbling a bit, which eron follows up with a kick in the stomach, to not let Altua breathe

"COME ON!" Eron yelled, angry, even disappointed a little at Altua, with adrenaline rushing through his blood and his brain on auto pilot, his only thought in his brain was killing pest in front of him

"No playing around? Are you fucking serious?" Atlua looked back at him, he was beyond angry to even care at all of the pain he took from his previous whip assaults

"Don't get too cocky..." Atlua's shit eating grin came back, as he swung his whip up, hitting Erin across the face, making his scarf fly across the floor, and revealing his face

Where a giant scar on his lip was present, but it wasn't caused by the whip hit, it was by something before it

Eron touched hs face, making sure his scarf was there, but it wasn't...

"You... you scum... I'll make sure that your face is unrecognisable..." eron said, as he got up from the hit and clenched his fist

Nico looked absolutely terrified, its almost like two monster were in her room, ready to wreck it all, with the constant yelling from Jasmine and Jayz that were hopeless against constantly banging against the door

Eron ran directly at atlua, with atlua firing out another barraged of whips, but this time, Eron gets bruised a little, but as he does, he catches the whip, and with all of his strength sharply pulls it, bringing atlua right to him

" SHIT" eron yelled as his fist buried into Atlua's face, the entire energy of his body went into this singular punch

"Aaaaaaaa...AHHHHHHHH" Eron yelled at the top his lungs, absolutely punting Altua across the room to the door, completely wrecking it

As Altua looked back at Eron, in complete disbelief that this punt brat has this immense strength, he asked, while he was on the ground from the punch

"W-what the hell are you?!?" He asked, his voice was a mixture of surprise and... fear?

As Eron recovered from the punch, he looked back atlua, angry, tired and... disappointed?

"...who are you?..." Eron said as all of the exhaustion caught a back to him, as he falls into the ground and faints.

"Eron!" Nico screamed in fear, as he collapsed to the ground, with tears running down her face

"Well... with that PEST gone... let's-" as atlua was getting up and finishing his sentence, a sharp object stabbed through his stomach

It was Jayz katana, as Eron's punched was so incredibly strong, it has managed to shatter the door

"Time you learn about good ol' karma..." Jayz said, with Jasmine beside him

As with a swift motion, he cut his upper half body from his bottom, completely dissecting the two, and as Jayz holds Atlua's upper half by his vine hair, he asks Jasmine

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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