Chapter 7 : jupiter

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The sun has risen on the day of Saturday, and so did Nico, with her stretching a bit and yawing before saying

"Good morning Er-" as she was finishing her sentence, she noticed that Eron was no longer in the bed, which confused her deeply, as she thought that they have slept in the same bed last night

"Hm? Where is he?!? Oh god... did I do something to drive him away!?" Nico asked herself worryingly as she quickly got up and got dressed

She left her room in a hurry, and got down to the kitchen area, where the only person present was Jayz making pancakes alone

"Hm? Oh hi Nico, watch a need?" He asked as he turned to her with a smile

"Where is Eron?! I haven't seen him since yesterday!!!" She asked worryingly, as her arms started trembling a little

Jayz turned off the stove he was making his pancakes on as he gets more serious

"Late at night, I saw him entering his room, and I remember him saying to "not bother him" before he shut the door" Jayz said with a cold expression before turning back into making his pancakes

"Mhm..." Nico mumbled under her breath before leaving the kitchen area

As she was heading to Eron's room, she accidentally bumped into a tall figure

It was Joseph, he had a stern look on his face, like no possible emotion could enter it or that of a corpse

"Oh, Nico... I was looking for you." He said, with no emotion leaving his voice, like always

"O-oh! I'm sorry!, what do you need, sir?" She asked with stutter in her voice, it was clear she didn't want to cause any unnecessary issues

"I'm gonna be gone for today, and I'll come back very late at night, so be safe around here" he said as he gently patted her head and continued walking down the dead and cobweb filled hallway

As Nico looked back at him, she turned back and focused on her mission : finding out why Eron left her room

As she finally was standing before his room, she started trembling a bit, and her mind started racing

"Why did he leave? Did I do something? Does he hate me now? Oh god I hope not..."

As she slightly slid the door open, letting light in the dark room, she asked gently

"Eron? Are you here?" She asked, as she saw Eron, sitting on his bed, his scarf beside him and bandaging his arm

As he noticed Nico enter his room, he quickly took his scarf back and covered his face with before turning back to her

"N-Nico!?!, what are you doing here?" He asked with a bit of sweat running down his face, as he trying to cover his arm he desperately is trying to bandage

"I-I just wanted to check up on you... since you left me yesterday..." she said as she stepped closer to him

"Nico wait!" Eron yelled as Nico accidentally stepped on a piece of paper

"Don't read that!" Eron pleaded, but it was too late, Nico already picked up the paper and read what was on it

"I'm an idiot, oh my god, I'm a such a fucking idiot, why did I go there, I'm just gonna make things worse... why?"

After Nico finished reading the paper, she looked back at Eron, who was covering his face with his scarf out of embarrassment

"Eron... what is this?" She asked, worried about him

"Please... it's nothing... let's forget this happened..."

Eron pleaded but Nico simply would't budge

She closed the door to his dark room and got closer to him

"W-what is this paper? And why are you bandaging your arm?" She asked worryingly

"I'm bandaging my arm, because I was an idiot and thought the wounds from my fight with archane wouldn't be so severe... I was very wrong..." he said as he fully revealed his arm, which was heavily bruised and damaged

"And the paper?" Nico asked again, still having her arms tremble

"D-don't worry about it... the most important thing is my arm right now, and it really hurts.,."

"I understand, let me get some ice" Nico said as she quickly sprinted out of his room back into the kitchen area and to the freezer

While she was taking out some ice packs, she didn't notice Jayz sitting and eating pancakes he made

"So you found him?" He asked as he stuffed another pancake into his mouth

"Oh yeah yeah! And... I'm just helping him with something... don't worry about it!" She said with a slight tremble in her voice as got the ice and sprinted back into Eron's room

As she got back, the paper she read was gone and Eron was waiting for her with the ice

"I'm here!" She said as she passed the ice pack to Eron, who put it on his already bandaged arm

"Oh... this feels a lot better... thank you Nico!" He said gratefully

"But... I don't need anything else, you can leave if you want to..." he said as he looked at the side, embarrassed again

"Nope! I'm staying here until I know for 100% your better!!!" She said proudly, which made Eron smile back at her

„Well... thank you!" Eron said back to her

They sat in Eron's room until the first star of the night has fallen on the night sky

Jayz was walking down the hallway to Eron's room to check up on on the duo, but as he was doing so, he slipped

„agh! Shit!" He said as he landed on the floor, and looked for what caused his to trip

It was... a blade of grass?

„What the..." Jayz asked himself confused as he looked at it, how could a blade of grass get inside of a hotel? But... it could't be grass, it was moist and wet... like,.. kelp

„What is kelp doing he-„ before Jayz could finish his sentence, he realised what was going on, as he turned around and drew his katana's, one of them were slapped out of his hands

At the end of the hallway, from the wall vent, a bunch of mushed kelp started coming out of it, until it started forming a figure

It was slim and lanky, reaching over 200 cm in height, its skin was blue and covered in scales

And its face was blocked by wet and moist vines and kelp, but even without seeing his face, Jayz could clearly see its maniacal smile

„Ohoho, ALTUA! Long time no see!" Jayz yelled with his battle spirit clearly visible from his voice, as he picked up his second katana from the ground

„Indeed, long time no see, Jay..." the figure said, standing still, with its arms behind its back

„...IM JAYZ, NOT JAY! AND I'LL MAKE SURE TO WRITE THAT ON YOU'RE GRAVESTONE!" He yelled, as both of them got ready for a brawl.

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