His Mark

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I wake up coughing, gasping for air. I look around the room and start to panic.

Everything is in flames.

I am back in my dorm, but Flora's bed is empty.

I cough and cough, screaming for help at the same time.

My skin is burning and I'm in so much pain, I didn't know being burnt alive hurt this bad.

But wait, why isn't there any marks being left on my skin?

And why is it burning?

The flames shouldn't be burning me.

Unless, this is dark magic, not regular fire.


The man's voice again. It's very muffled but anyone could tell who's voice that is.


I open my eyes, waking up, gasping and sitting upright immediately, my heart beating fast - realising it was just another dream.

However, I find myself somewhere else.

I'm drowning.

Im surrounded by water, and there's no surface, no bottom.

I try to scream but it's no use.

I'm running out of oxygen, and fast.


I know you can hear me.

No. No. No No No


I put my hands on my hair, pulling on it and shaking my head at the same time.

I start inhaling water and my vision blurs.

Just before I'm about to black out, my hair starts to glow red. And I feel my scalp burning.

And my skin starts burning aswell,

I touch my hair and notice it's on fire. But how? I'm underwater.

I can breathe now. Well, kind of, my breaths are short and fast.

"Hey Bloom, are you ignoring me?" I turn around swiftly to see a man towering over me.

My flame flickers once more.

His long blonde hair floating in the water. He doesn't look distressed or anything, it's like he can breathe underwater.

He reaches out a hand and I back away abit.

This is just a dream.

Just a dream.

Just a dream.

I need to wake up-

Tears start flowing out of my eyes. They sting even more since I'm underwater.

"What- what do you want? I thought I defeated you- I-"

"Oh Bloom, don't be naive."

He holds up his palms towards me, and I can see his mark on both of them, glowing purple.

"What are you trying to do..?"

My head starts throbbing again and I feel like someone hit me in the head with an axe.

I scream, this time it's heard and it's very loud, even though we're underwater.


A Fairy Shouldn't Fall for a Fallen Angel (Bloom x Valtor)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat