Come baby, fuck with a pro

She licked my hairless mound making my body tense from her. Her tongue slid it's way up and down my slit, as she lightly nibbled at my second lips before making love to my needy clitoris. "Ka-," I tried to get out my rammbles. It felt so good as she went in and out of my opening.

How much I loved this woman.


"So bae... When we gonna fuck," Jax joked over the phone.

"You know you childish right," I smiled. I'd just came back from Russia with my girl, and I was tired as fuck. Not to mention the fact that I was already pilled up with watching over ALL of our businesses and traps from afar; in all honesty I shouldn't have left in the first place. But I had to do that for my baby, she deserved it.

"What you doing ma?"

"Finna open up this new club. You should swing through." Opening a new club was my dad's idea, I told him that we shouldn't and we should focus on the traps being hit but he said doing this would stray the feds away.

"Yea, I just might ma, I just might," I heard his smile through the phone. All me and Jax do is get mad at each other and make up, unfortunately without sex though.

"Yea but I gotta go imma talk to you later baby," I announced.

"Mmkay bye ma, call a nigga later okay?"

"Absolutely Jaxy Poo," I smiled at the nickname I gave him. We ended the call as I ran to to take a quick shower. I stepped out slipping on a red nylon thong and bra set. I put on my favourite black Channel dress with a pair of my plain black Loubotin's. I went added my pearls, my favourite red MAC lipstick, a cat eyes, and true match foundation.

If I was a nigga I would fuck the shit out of me, or a bitch because I look good as fuck; but then again I'm always looking good as fuck.


"Oh Angelique give your papá a hug," my grandpa greeted.

"Hola papá," I hugged him.

"Angelique," I heard my father's raspy voice call out. I exited the kitchen to walk into his office. "Hey papí we need to talk," I sat my bag onto the table, motioning for one of his bodyguards to close the door.

"What is it sweet heart," he leaned in on his desk. I sat in front of him on the edge of his custom made wood and leather desk.

"I think that we should hold off on venturing out into new fields. Papí eight of our small houses have been graffitied and it hasn't even been a month. We don't even have any ideas of who it is. I think that we should focus on our real estates right now," I tried referring to our traps that were being hit; even though he constantly checks his room for recorders and shit I'm always paranoid. He sucked in his lips, deeply sighing as he leaned back in his chair.

"Angelique I," he paused, clearly holding something back. "Come on papí you know you can tell me anything," I tried.

"I know, I know... Angelique we both know that I'm very sic,-"

"Papí no! Don't say that you're going to be okay!" I screamed, I hated when he brought up that death shit. I loved my father to much to even think about him dying.

"I'm sorry Angelique but it's true, this cancer will... have me soon and there's nothing that either of us can do about... it," he coughed. The cancer did have a huge toll on him. He wasn't the same daddy to run around and play with me, the one that would walk aimlessly for hours with me talking about my problems. Now he was so sick, weak, and always hurting, I did want the pain to go away but I did not want to lose him. Tears started to form into my eyes as a looked into his.

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