Season 5 Ep 12

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"If you have 300 people why don't you go back? You have the numbers." Echo argued over the radio. "Where is Bellamy?"

"He's still out there," Monty said, "Only a handful of people are willing to go back. We can't make it through."

"If they're listening... we need to get off the radios." I chimed in, putting a hand on Echo's arm.

"Kane was with her too." Murphy added.

I threw my hands in the air, "Yeah, and so is Clarke. Which means so is Madi so we have to-." I paused.

"What is it?" Raven stepped towards me.

"They need a leader, right? It's Madi."

"Why don't we just sneak back in with Shaw. They have missiles and shit, right? We could clear the gorge for them." Murphy offered.

Raven rolled her eyes, "The one thing they don't have is a pilot, and you wanna march one through the front door?"

"I agree with Murphy," Shaw added, "We can end this and it will be over."

"It's too risky! Madi can do this. And, I believe she would want to." I stood my ground.

Echo prepped her gun and took a step forward, "Then let's go get our leader. Emori and Murphy stay here and get that cannon working."

"And if you run into Clarke?" Murphy smirked, trying to stir the pot.

I clenched my jaw, "I'm going there for Madi. Nothing else. Understand? Now let's go."


We made our way quietly into the church, where we found a sleeping Madi. Shaw took a lookout position by the door and Echo instantly covered Madi's mouth which woke her up.

"Are you the true commander?" Echo asked in Trig. Madi nodded. "Then get ready to prove it."

Madi rotated and went to use her knife, but I lunged forward and grabbed her arm. "Echo, you could have waited. Madi, we aren't here to hurt you."

Madi smiled and took me into a hug. Her arms squeezing around my neck. "I know why you're here."

I nodded and released my hug, "You can do this."

"I know. So, what are you waiting for? Get this collar off before Clarke gets back."

"That's my girl." I smirked, turning to Raven, "Get it off of her."

Raven agreed and began fiddling with Madi's collar. I noticed Madi kept smiling at me and Raven, and I gave her a questioning look.

"It's nice to finally meet you." Madi spoke, glancing once again at Raven.

"Mind talking to someone else, kid? I would like your head not to explode."

I smiled more and let out a small laugh at their interaction. It was a good start, I guess. There was a creak of wood behind us and I turned around to aim my gun, only to see Clarke aiming hers at us.

"Get away from her." She warned.

"Hey Clarke, haven't seen you in six years and this is how you say hello?" Raven mocked.

"These are your friends, Clarke. Put the gun down." Madi pleaded.

"Quiet, Madi." Clarke said, "Lucas, Shaw, guns down. Now."

Shaw agreed and threw his weapon aside. I only lowered it and put it back in the holster. Clarke stepped up to try and grab Madi, but I got in her way. 

"Step aside, Lucas."

"You know I'm not going to do that, Clarke. Let us go so we can save our people. Madi can do this."

Clarke's face grew angry and she sent a punch to my face that I wasn't expecting so I went off balance. Echo charged and tackled Clarke and the two of them began to exchange punches. Raven finished Madi's collar and Madi ordered Echo to release Clarke. She listened.

"You're not going anywhere." Clarke whimpered.

Echo noticed a red light in Clarke's pocket, come to find out that the radio in her pocket was on an open mic. Who knew how long they were listening to it, but it meant we had to leave.

"They're gonna be here any minute, we have to move."

As we were collecting our things to move out, McCreary and his men entered the church with guns ready.

"Take our pilot and one of them back to our ship. Get the missiles ready." He ordered, turning to us, "Kill these two."

I got rageful and tried to make my way over to Raven, but there was too many men. They beat me down before I could get to her. I watched as they dragged her and Shaw out of the church. As I went to get back up, I was knocked back down and everything went black.


I woke up in a haze, and when I tried to reach for my head I felt resistance. My arms were tied to a chair. When my vision became clear I saw Clarke sitting across from me and Madi behind her.

"How's your head?" Clarke asked.

"Do you even care that they're going to kill everyone?"

Echo added, "Everyone you ever loved or cared for sees you as a traitor."

"Madi is safe. I can live with it."

"Do you honestly think she is safe here, Clarke? Do you really think they will let you and her live once this is all over? They will kill both of you." I argued.

"So will you. Those two men behind me have ordered to kill you once we are done talking. I would prefer they didn't do that."

I scoffed, "Our friends are gonna die, Clarke."

"They put the flame in her head, Lucas."

"Yeah, and she CAN lead them if you would just let her. And she wants it." I stated, looking past Clarke and to Madi, "Don't you?"

Madi made her way over to us and sat between the two of us "She knows I do. I did it because I love you both."

"I thought love was weakness? Isn't that what the commanders told you?" Clarke shook her head.

"All but one." Madi replied.

I instantly remembered Lexa. My time with her, all of her teachings. I felt an ache in my chest at her loss. She was ready to change everything before she died.

Madi continued, "She keeps showing me Mount Weather, walking away from you and forcing Lucas with her. She shows me because it is her deepest regret. And she doesn't want you to make that mistake either. I have to do this, and you both have to let me."

"Madi..." Clarke cried, "This is how we survive."

"Life should be about more than just surviving."

I watched as Clarke's facial expressions changed. She smoothly reached over and cut the ties of me and Echo without the guards noticing and slipped a gun into my hand. She gave me a look and a nod, which led us both to standing up and shooting both of the guards in the head.

"We have to warn them before the missiles get there." Madi stated.

I paused, "Wait... wait."

"We have to go what are you doing?"

"No, you have to go. I have to get Raven."

"I'll go with you." Clarke stepped forward.

"N-no. I need you both. I need you with me."

Clarke kneeled down to her level, "We are always with you, Madi. No matter where you go or where you are."

I also kneeled down, "Plus, Echo will be with you. She will help you."

"Every step of the way." Echo confirmed, giving me a nod.

"Go, save your people. We will see you again. Who else is gonna tell me to cut my hair?" I teased, getting a laugh out of her.

Madi pulled both me and Clarke into a hug. She pulled away and turned right away to the door with Echo behind her. It was then just me and Clarke, alone. Nothing was spoken. We made eye contact and she turned to lead the way to the ship.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 13 ⏰

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