Caught Mermaid

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Character A was a humble fisherman, taking part in a rather large capitalist empire. Every fine detail of the economy was tuned in on the transportation of goods into and from the nation. Being from a coastal country, fishing was perhaps the most lucrative opportunity of them all, with the widest market across all of the western countries that did not have such water access.

Leading a simple life, A's days often followed a simple schedule. They expected it to stay that way, until one crisp morning, it all changed. They had set sail at nearly dawn, eager to be on the water before the rolling clouds could open up and down pour on them all.

The ship followed the course it always did, it's anchor dropped a ways off the shore just where it always was. The nets were cast as per usual, but as they were dragged in, they were reportedly heavier than normal. Character A glances over the side of the ship to catch the shimmering of a lengthy tail.

Character B was a merperson who has been raised to avoid humans at all costs. Having never known of their existence, merfolk far and wide were fearful of the extortion and corruption that could occur if they were discovered. Somehow, B managed to tangle their tail in one of the large nets dropped by the large vessel.

Once pulled onboard, the humans must decide what to do with their catch. Do they set the merperson free, and lose a massive profit? Character A must decide the best course of action, and Character B must enforce damage control if they have any hope of returning to the sea without their way of life destroyed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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