So Much For A Low Profile

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I woke up fully rested and somehow even more full of energy than ever. I just got changed into some fresh clothes Mr Yoshimura found for me. A simple white t-shirt and blue jeans. After changing, I make my way downstairs into the backroom, being greeted by Kaya. 

Kaya: Oh! Hey Mutasim. I didn't realise you were staying here. 

Mutasim: Yeah. I... Uh... Kinda got into some trouble. Nothing that's my fault though. Or at least I hope not. 

Kaya: It's okay. We all need a bit of help sometimes. If you need anything, let me know. 

Mutasim: Thanks. I was just gonna head out to make some coffee for me. 

???: That's not the best move right now, I'm afraid. 

Turning to the doorway, I see Touka and Mr Yoshimura. 

Mutasim: What do you mean? 

Touka: The D-I mean, the Investigators. They're in the 20th Ward, looking for something. Or someone. 

She said, implying they were here for me. I nod slowly. 

Mutasim: Crap... I should go before they come to Anteiku then. Don't want you guys getting caught up in this. 

Mr Yoshimura: You can stay. But you just have to stay out of sight. Hide here in the backroom and we'll take care of the rest. 

Mutasim: Mr Yoshimura, I appreciate what you want to do for me, but I don't want you or anyone else here getting in trouble for whatever I've done to get the CCG on my back. 

Kaya: Mutasim, I hate to say it but your best option is probably to stay here and hide. If you leave, it's more likely for you to get caught. 

Mr Yoshimura: Exactly. Anteiku is the safest place you'll be. 

I sigh and nod. 

Mutasim: I just... Don't want you guys to get hurt because of me. 

The trio nod reassuringly at me, trying to ease my spirits. But it's kinda hard to be reassured when you've got the CCG trying to kill you. 

Mr Yoshimura: Take the time to relax Mutasim. Calm your nerves. 

Mutasim: Okay. 

I sit down on one of the sofas and sigh. Touka glances at me before walking out to the shop. 

Kaya: I'll grab some biscuits for you. 

Mutasim: Thanks...

Kaya leaves the back room, leaving me with Mr Yoshimura. The old man stares at me before sighing. 

Mr Yoshimura: Mr Lycan. I must ask that you are completely honest with me. What do the Investigators want with you? 

Of course he knew something was off. Despite having his eyes closed almost all the time, he was pretty quick to catch onto things. I open my mouth to speak, but I hear that same deep voice in my head. 

???: We should leave. I hear the Investigators. 

I turn to the door leading into the cafe, making me feel fear for Touka and the others. I couldn't let them take the blame for my presence here. Taking a deep breath, I speak to Mr Yoshimura. 

Mutasim: Sir, I'm sorry about this. 

Mr Yoshimura: "Sorry"? What are you-

Using a surge of tendrils, I pin him against the wall, keeping him restrained by black goop. Once he was restrained, I walked out the back of the cafe and began making my way around to the front. Parked just down the street was a black limousine which felt odd to see. Unless it belonged to the Investigators. These guys really weren't that hidden. 

The goop covers my body, forming up the suit once more. Feeling more confident, I leap up onto the window and knock on it, grabbing the attention of the Investigators and everyone else in the cafe. Immediately, the Investigators pulled out their weapons and aimed them at me. 

Mutasim: Hey guys. Looking for me? 

Investigator1: Get him! 

They start firing guns at me, but I jump away and use my tendrils to swing away, luring them away from Anteiku. As I swing through the city, one of the gunshots hit me, but the suit heals me, making me chuckle. 

Mutasim: This suit is incredible! My whole life I've never felt so energetic and alive! 

I swing around a corner, only to get struck by a helicopter. I scream as I land in the middle of the street, my body aching slightly from the pain. 

Mutasim: Okay... That hurt... 

I push myself up to my feet and see I'm being swarmed by a whole legion of Investigators. Cars surround me and the Investigators all pull out their weapons, getting ready to fight me. I clench my fists. 

Mutasim: I'm guessing running away isn't an option. 

???: No. It's not. 

Investigator1: You're surrounded! 

Investigator2: Stand down or you will be shot! 

The Investigators slowly and carefully approach me. I let out a roar as sharp tendrils burst from my body, blasting back all the Investigators and their vehicles. A few of the Investigators managed to avoid my attack and they charge me. One swings at me with a hammer, but I dodge and kick him in the gut with both feet. I then throw an uppercut, sending him into the air and pull him back down onto the street with my tendrils. 

Another Investigator threw something that wrapped around my body, keeping my arms restrained. A third Investigator slices down on me, but a tendril grabs the sword, halting it. I manage to break free from the second Investigator's weapon and pull them towards me, grabbing them by the face before slamming them down on the ground. I then thrust my fist at the third Investigator, enveloping them in the black goo as they get stuck to a nearby wall. 

I turn away from the ensnared Investigator and see more cars driving right for me! My arms stretch out to all the other empty cars, allowing me to lift them up. I then slam them down in front of the incoming cars, making them collide and crash. With the incoming Investigators halted, I face the helicopter hovering above me. To my dismay, it began to lay down heavy fire on me. The bullets shredded me, but the suit kept me safe, healing my wounds almost instantly. 

Feeling a surge of rage, I reach out to the helicopter and pull it down into the street, making it explode. Flames jumped from the helicopter onto other vehicles, causing them to ignite. My eyes widen as I imagine the size of the explosions. From the corner of my eye, I see a kid crying as they're trapped under a car. 

I sprint to the kid and crouch down, lifting the car up and pulling them out. 

Mutasim: I've gotcha kid! 

The fiery cars begin to blow up and I quickly swing away from the chaos, landing in front of a crowd of citizens who were watching the entire mess unfold. I put the kid down and ruffle his hair. 

Mutasim: You're okay, kiddo. 

I wipe away the child's tears and stand up, nodding at him. The kid's lips curl up at me. Something about seeing that kid smile made me feel a little happy. But that joy was stolen as his parents came along, picked him up and glared at me with a strong sense of fear. I sigh and swing away, hoping to lose the Investigators if they were still following me. 

All I knew right now is that I needed to eradicate all the evidence of this suit being attached to me and get rid of all the Investigators who knew about it. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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