A Familiar Face

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As I made my way to Anteiku, my mind constantly hung in the back of my mind, thinking about what I did to that Ghoul. How many other people can say they killed Ghouls who aren't Investigators?! But this black goo... What is it? It changes my clothes, it can stretch out into tendrils and it makes me so much more stronger! Hey, I could make this some kind of superhero gig! I could protect people from rampant, binge-eating Ghouls! That'd be awesome! 

???: Mutasim! 

I feel a hard punch strike me in the shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts. I turn my head to see Touka in her Anteiku attire. 

Touka: Jeez. You really need to get your ears checked. I called out to you six times. 

Mutasim: S-Sorry Touka. Just... Have a lot on my mind right now. 

Touka: Well, don't let it get in the way of work, alright? 

Mutasim: Right. Sorry again. 

We enter the coffee shop and start our shifts. The day goes by slowly since there weren't a lot of customers. Most of the shift, I spent the time just wiping down the counter and making sure we were doing good on ingredients. I did my best to avoid thinking about this black goo, but there was always the occasional thought or two that crossed my mind. 

After a couple hours passed, the shop was pretty much dead silent. Out of nowhere, Touka speaks. 

Touka: Hey, make two cups of coffee. 

Mutasim: Huh? But there's nobody-

Touka: It's for us. We might as well use this time as a break. 

I nod and start up the coffee machine, making two cups of coffee. It takes a couple minutes and I sit down next to Touka at the counter, serving her. She takes a small sip and sighs. 

Touka: Not bad. You've improved. 

Mutasim: Thanks. How are... How are you feeling? 

Touka: Not bad. And you? You seem pre-occupied with something. 

Mutasim: I, uhh... Yeah, that's one way of putting it. 

Touka: Mind filling me in or is this something you're not comfortable with? 

Mutasim: I'd... Rather wait some time. Still figuring it out myself. 

Touka: Okay. 

I take a small sip out of my coffee, savouring the burning taste. 

Mutasim: How's school for you? 

Touka: It's okay. And you? How are your grades? 

Mutasim: They, uh... Could be better. I think I'm just scraping by at this point. 

Touka: You should revise. I know what you're like. You don't bother preparing for anything. 

Mutasim: Heh. Yeah. 

Touka: Tell you what, tomorrow I'm off. So if you'd like, you can come to Anteiku tomorrow in the backroom. My room's upstairs at the end of the hallway on the left. You can revise with me. 

Mutasim: Really? Huh...

Touka: What? 

Mutasim: Nothing. Just... You're not really the type to be so... inviting, I guess? 

Touka: Don't think I plan on making that offer again. This is a one-time thing. 

Mutasim: Alright then. I'll take you up on that offer then. 

Touka: I'll let the others know so they don't try and stop you. 

Nodding, we continue sipping our coffee. When we finish, I clean up and put the dishes on the side to dry. Immediately after I finish cleaning up, the familiar sound of the bell above the entrance door rings. Touka and I both turn to see a familiar face. One that freezes me at my core. 

It was the same man in a purple suit and purple hair. My eyes widen as I gaze upon him, my heart beginning to pound in fear. 

Man: Ahh... That sweet heavenly aroma. Always so welcoming. 

He looks at Touka with a small grin but then his gaze falls upon me, his expression becoming a little more... hostile. I back away from the man despite me being behind the counter. 

Man: Hello. 

Mutasim: You stay away from me. 

Touka frowns at me, confused. 

Touka: Mutasim? You know Tsukiyama? 

I nod, not keeping my eyes off him. The man simply smirks. 

Tsukiyama: Come now. There's no reason to be afraid. It was just a game. That's all. 

Touka: A "game"? 

I notice Touka's eyes widen, but... Wait. Did she know?! W-Were they both...? 

Tsukiyama: There's no need to be afraid. You won your freedom fair and square. I do believe that is the expression, yes? 

Mutasim: Just stay away from me you freak. 

Tsukiyama: Is that anyway to talk to a customer? 

Touka: I think it's best if you leave, Tsukiyama. Workers at Anteiku have a right to deny service to certain individuals. If he doesn't feel comfortable serving you, then he doesn't have to. 

Tsukiyama: Oh Touka. You wound me so with such harsh words. 

Touka: Fine. I'll be more blunt. Leave. Now. 

He sighs.

Tsukiyama: Very well. I'll have coffee elsewhere. Such a shame too. I'd have loved a cup of coffee from that man over there. 

He says with a small mischievous smirk. I gulp nervously, still backed up against the wall. Touka and I watch as he leaves Anteiku. I take a couple deep breaths and let out a low sigh. 

Touka: You okay? 

Mutasim: I... Y-Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. For now at least. 

Touka: I'm guessing you had a rough encounter with him? 

Mutasim: That's... Putting it one way. 

Touka: Well... If he tries anything, I've got your back. To be honest, Tsukiyama's always been a creep. Wouldn't be the first time I've had to deal with him. 

I shake my head slightly. Did Touka know Tsukiyama was a Ghoul? And how would she know? Unless... She was either like me, or she was a Ghoul too. The thought was scary, but it didn't make sense. I've seen Touka eat normal human food. But... She did always go toilet or somewhere else afterwards. Was it to throw up? Ah crap... But maybe Touka isn't like Tsukiyama? I mean... She's not hosting death matches between humans where the loser is devoured, right? 

I take another deep breath and get on with the rest of the shift, but I was left uneasy by this whole event. 

I just needed to hope that if Tsukiyama did try to attack me again, I'd be able to fight back with the help of that black goo. 

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