Emotions overflowing

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Nehmat's pov

We came back from the trip 2 days back and  I have been avoiding him ever since his confession . Our vacations were supposed to start from today but the college announced a sudden 15 days workshop for us starting from today .

I sat in the classroom with my thoughts scattered and doodled on my notebook when Tanvi called me out .

"Nehmat, what's up with the 'E'?" She said and I looked back my notebook to see what she was talking about when I saw that I had doodled the letter 'E' .

"Oh, it's nothing, just doodling."I said trying to cover up

"Come on, I know you . Spill it. What's going on between you and Ekam?" She raised her eyebrows at me.

I hesitated at first , unsure whether to tell her or not  but with a heavy sigh, I decided to open up.

"We... had a talk a couple of days ago. He... he confessed his feelings for me." I spilled not looking at her .

" What! Really ! "And what did you say?"She said her eyes widened in surprise .

"I... I told him I needed time. But since then, I've been avoiding him." I spoke as guilt washed over me that if I had hurt him by my action.

Her expression softened, and she reached out to grasp my hand .

"Nehmat, Ekam adores you. The way he looks at you" she paused looking at me

" How does he look at me " I asked

" like you're the only person in the world. His love is pure, unwavering." She reassured me

I listened to her my heart heavy with guilt and uncertainty but immediately a thought crossed my mind , how does she know ?

" But how do you know about it Tanvi" I questioned her in confusion

" You remember the freshers party day when you were locked in the lab " She spoke and I nodded recalling that day .

" And the selected players for inter - college match were also to be announced that day where Ekam was selected but since he was not present there he was disqualified as he went to save you , even though it was his last chance of fulfilling his dream " She spilled listening to which I got more confused.

" Last chance?"

" Yes ! His dad was against him choosing cricket as his career but Ekam opposed his dad following which his dad placeda condition in front of him that if at all Ekam qualifies for inter - college match he will have the opportunity to do whatever he wanted and if he doesn't he will leave cricket  as his career and join their family business " She explained

"It was really obvious that day that he loves you .That's the kind of person Ekam is. He would move mountains for you, Nehmat. Don't push him away because you think you don't deserve him. Give him a chance." She said as I found myself in the ocean of guilt that Ekam sacrificed his dream for me .

I nodded, recalling each word of encouragement from Tanvi. Maybe, just maybe, it was time to give love a chance, to let Ekam into my wounded heart as even I myself don't deny that I have feelings for him but how can I let him into my problematic world when I know he will never be able to stay happy .

Time skip

After the lecture for workshop ended , I left the classroom leaving for library as I had to borrow some books . I was about to enter it when I bumped into Ekam who was coming from the opposite direction . Our met for a moment but I pulled away and turned around starting to leave when I heard him.

" Nehmat " He said softly standing in front of me looking directly into my eyes and continued " we need to talk".
Even I wanted to talk to him so I nodded and he took me to an empty classroom .

" Why are you avoiding me , Nehmat ?" He gazed into my eyes with a layer of hurt in his .

" Please don't do this ! It hurts , it hurts Nehmat " He said , his voice breaking down .

" It hurts me too to hurt you . But what should I do then you tell me " I said not being able to see him like this .

"Talk to me , tell me what bothers you , tell me if you don't want me around you , I promise I won't ever show you my face " He poured his heart

"Ekam , you are not understanding " I turned my back towards him

" Then help me understand " He said facing me .

" You have already sacrificed your dream because of me"I said and his expression changed to shock " Tanvi told me " I continued

" Ekam , you are a great person and I don't want to lose you but at the same time I cannot give you back the love you deserve. I am not worthy you ." I paused not being able to speak further due to heavy throat and tears brimming in my eyes.

"Did I do something wrong ? Am I not good enough ? If so I will become better and better each day to be enough to deserve you " He spoke making me speechless . His eyes saying a lot more than words ever could . His love is pure just like him . I can see it in his eyes . I so wanted to scream and tell him that .. that I too feel the same for him but I cannot . I can't spoil his life being a part of it .

" You are perfect Ekam , just the way you are but its me who is not good for you . I don't deserve you . And I am really sorry I can't be better even if I want to because my life ... its complicated , its a mess . I don't want to be a burden on you " I said breaking into tears as I slid down along the wall behind me , sitting on the floor clenching my knees close to my chest .

I saw him also sitting down infront of me .

Ekam's pov

" YOU ARE NOT A BURDEN" I stressed each word .
" How can you even think like that  , you are not aware but your mere presence in my life , lights it up that is why you are my Sunshine ." I confessed trying to explain her not understanding why she thinks like that of herself .

" I did not think it myself , I was forced , accused and blamed to believe it ." She cried digging her nails into the backside of hands.  I immediately took her hands into mine and kissed them gently and said
" Shhhh! " Don't do this to yourself ever again . If you ever want to , hurt me instead , yell at me but don't hurt yourself . "

" Do you trust me ?" I asked her with hope .She nodded and said " I do"

" Then tell me everything , don't hold it any longer , just spill it " I spoke still holding her hands.
" Take a deep breath and say it , don't hesitate , I am here for you " I assured her .

" Ekam , y- you remember I told you about m- my parents death th- that it was an accident but it was n- not  it was a pla-planned murder by my- my chachu " She said in between tears .

" What! Your chachu" I exclaimed in shock ,she nodded and spoke again
"After they passed , chachi took me to their house . Chachu never talked to me politely he -he used to taunt me everytime but I did not keep it in my heart thinking that at least he is allowing me to stay at their place . Everything wa- was good until one day I heard him talking to h- his assistant .

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With love


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