Chapter 21: On the Run

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Benny fell to the ground, sliding in the dirt as he picked up the ball.

He quickly stood up as we both turned around and ran straight for the fence, hearing The Beast growling behind us.

"Whoa!" The boys all cheered, watching Benny and me jump the fence.

We quickly landed on the ground, both of us on our backs.

"Ouch," I muttered under my breath.

The boys all shouted as Benny and I scrambled to our feet, to stare at the fence.

We both could hear The Beast growling on the other side.

"Yeah! Yeah!" Yeah-Yeah patted Benny's shoulders.

"Yeah!" Timmy said, patting me on the back.

"Yeah! All right, power couple!" Ham cheered.

Benny and I were not exactly listening as we continued watching the fence, not ready to let our guards down just yet.

It seemed easy...too easy, getting the ball back.

We all watched in utter shock as The Beast jumped over the fence.

Benny and I quickly shared a quick glance before taking off, running.

"Oh, shit!" Bertram shouted.

The Beast barked as he ran after Benny and I.

We ran as fast as we could, running purely on adrenaline and fear of getting caught.

Benny and I ran down the sidewalk of the neighborhood next to the Sandlot.

We both looked behind us to see The Beast still hot on our tail.

Benny quickly dodged a biker on the street but accidentally flew on top of a driver's windshield.

"Benny!" I shouted as Benny scrambled off the car, beside me. "Are you ok?"

"We'll worry about that later!" Benny shouted back. "After we're finished running for our lives!"

I nodded as I looked back to see The Beast right behind us.

Benny looked behind us to see The Beast still chasing us too.

"Benny, the cans!" I shouted, pointing at the trash cans in front of him.

Benny nodded as we began to knock over a few trash cans, not slowing down our pace at all, but hoping it was slowing down The Beast.

Benny pushed over a chair on top of a wooden box making it fall to the ground, but The Beast was still right behind us.

He ran towards a concrete wall and jumped on top of a trash can and then over the wall. I followed close behind, The Beast only a small foot away from me.

I quickly caught up to Benny as we ran into a building, trying everything in our power to get The Beast to slow down and get away from us.

We both ducked under what looked like a huge projector screen.

I guess we had run into a movie theater of some sort.

We stood back up and continued running as the people in their seats eating what smelled like popcorn stood up and screamed at what I was guessing, The Beast, still hot on our tails.

Benny and I ran into a park where a huge banner was hung up that I quickly read as "Founders Day."

We ran into the crowd, still running as fast as we could.

Benny knocked some food out of some man's hands as we flew past people.

"Mommy, Mommy, look," I heard a kid say. "A doggy!"

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