[Mother's day special]

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Happy mother's day everyone!! I wanted to make a little something special for you guys today since it's kind of on theme with the story but! This is not a direct continuation of last chapter. This could be canon but it would definitely happen later on in the story if you want to acknowledge it.Anyways! I hope you enjoy this little bit of fluff💖 (sorry I'm a tiny bit late :'3)

                     .·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

You stomp your way down the millionth flight of stairs, still seething from today's etiquette lesson.
Your mother,the Lady, had been particularly snippy this time.
Nothing you did seemed to satisfy her.

" How many times must we go over this, dear?! The seafood fork is for the seafood NOT for the dessert!!" She hissed, trying to keep herself calm and collected.
You, on the other hand , were not calm nor collected and your patience grew very thin.
You could feel the redness creeping up your face and ears.
You didn't understand why it mattered at all what fork you used, especially when most of them were identical!!
It annoyed you even more how she was making such a big deal of something so stupid!
This isn't what you had imagined when she said you'd be spending time together today.
"Bonding" she called it.
Today was mother's day, you heard a maid talking about it this morning, although you didn't have much of an idea as to what this would entail.
You thought you might go and have nice walk outside, the spring weather was absolutely perfect or maybe you'd read together in the library, she might show you some book she liked.
Even now you scoff at the thought
Of course this what she meant by "spending quality time together" more boring etiquette lessons.
That's all she would ever do with you.
She was either locked away in her study , probably to busy to bother with you or sitting you down on a chair for hours telling you how to live.
It frustrated you to no end.

You kept your head down, glaring holes into the plate infront of you while your mother kept going on and on about how important it is for a noblewoman to have pristine table manners and blah blah BLAH.
You had enough!
You shot up from your seat and dashed out of the dinning room but not before giving her a nasty glare.
Your mother stunned by your sudden outburst was too caught off guard to catch you, yelling after you to comeback immediately.

You had other plans however, currently on your way to the gardens to blow off some steam.
You stomped your way through the garden, terrorising any unlucky blossom in your path and slashing at nearby bushes.
Frustrated to tear with how useless and stupid she made you feel.
But not only that, also how lonely she made you feel.
Not being allowed to leave the castle
Not allowed to talk to the maids,
in her words "they are below you".
Any and every conversation you'd try to have with her would always turn into a scolding!

You were... overwhelmed to say the least.
Sniffling, you take some deep breaths to try and calm yourself.
Taking in the nice weather, the scent of the various flowers around you... even if your nose was all runny.
Spring really was a beautiful season.
Not too warm or too cold
The blooming life all around
You finally steady yourself, taking in a big stuttering breath.
You wipe your nose with on sleeve of your blouse
You think if mother were here right now she would surely scold you again.
You began to wonder, was she lonely too? As lonely as you?
Thinking back on it, you'd never really made any attempts to spend time with her, always assuming she'd be too busy.
Maybe she was just trying to bond in the only way she knew how...
Maybe you should show her what you like to do and try to know more about her.
Now all the time you spent with her felt forced.
But if you proposed something to her... would she humor you?
Probably not after the stunt you just pulled, you thought.

You look around trying to find a way she might forgive you.
Wrinkled looking flowers lay about on the ground around you, the aftermath of your little tantrum.
They're still beautiful, it would be a shame to let them wilt there.
You only hoped she wouldn't notice and be even more cross with you.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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