P.5 Rich kid

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the winner is Wait....Bocarter Humphrey ?

"The audience was silent when they heard the name of the winner"

The chipmunk and chipette Shouting WHAT !!

Bocarter walked out and grabbed the microphone. Thank you to everyone who voted for me. I know I have great talent.

"You suck! Audience noise"

Whoever said that, winning is winning. Bocarter said proudly.

I felt something strange. Luiaisy said to herself


I can't believe Bocarter won, Alvin said.
Yeah! Brittany replied Someone else deserved it, not him. Showing the use of money What kind of talent is that?

I have a feeling that someone must be behind this. Simon suspect.

Luiaisy walked backstage. She picked up the phone. Hello Mr. Steven, are you sure all the vote are correct and there is no cheating?

"Steven laughed and replied. Of course there was no cheating, we definitely got the rightful winner He hung up the phone"

Steven, Steven! Great....hung up the phone.

"What happened, Miss Luiaisy? Simon asked"

I think there was some cheating going on, I'm sure Bocarter didn't deserve the award

I feel so bad, can't we do anything? Eleanor said

"We have no evidence , As a rule that he is the winner of the vote. Sorry, your performance was great, luiaisy replied"

Simon, can't you do anything? Alvin asked.

"Simon replied It is very dangerous and risky to hack into the voting system. Hacking is illegal without permission from the owner"

I am the organizer of this contest, so I give permission , Luiaisy said.

The chipmunk and the chipette looked at each other and nodded.

I'll go out and sing a song to buy the time Alvin spoke up.

"Luiaisy replied All right, let's go"

Jeanette, come help me, said Simon.
Okay, Jeanette, go help Simon


Hello, where is my prize? I'm waiting, Bocarter said.

luiaisy walked in. Sorry to keep you waiting, but the reward will be given after this special performance ends. Give Alvin Seville a round of applause

What? you can't do this! Bocarter said.

The applause sounded and Alvin walked in and began to sing

"Georgia wrap me up in all your"

Wait a minute, this song is...Brittany is watching backstage

"I want you in my arms
Oh let me hold you"

Simon heard the lyrics and realized that it was a song that Alvin had written a long time ago. But he didn't have much time to pay attention so he proceeded to hack the voting website.

I'll never let you go again like I did
Oh I used to say

I would never fall in love again until I found her

Wow, I've never heard that song before, Eleanor said.

"I said I would never fall unless it's you I fall into"

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