P.3 Fear

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"No, I don't want to talk about it anymore " You don't understand me at all Alvin snapped.

So why don't you understand me?   Brittany snapped angrily.

"What do I need to understand? You don't even have a reason" Alvin replied.

I'm sorry, are you satisfied? Brittany held back tears
I don't accept sarcastic apologies, Alvin said.

"Alvin turned and walked away from Brittany"

Are you going to leave me here !! Brittany shout.
I'll talk to you later! Alvin replied.

Fine !! Brittany turned away as tears began to roll down her cheeks.

"Alvin turned around and looked for a bit He felt bad but he did nothing but walk away"

Maybe.......then he's in a good mood and then we can talk. Brittany said to herself.

"At Seville's house"

Look, Simon, they're so cute , jeanette show Simon a picture of two pandas

yea, they're cute, but not as cute as you Simon nervous.

yeah...I thin- Wait....what? Jeanette turned to look at Simon's face and blushed.

Jeanette giggles , Um..thanks you are cute too

"Simon smiled at Jeanette and then there was the sound of a door opening"

They went to look and it turned out to be Brittany.

What happened, Britt? Jeanette was worried when she saw Brittany crying She fell to the ground.

"Nothing, it's my fault. Brittany replied as her tears wouldn't stop flowing"

Did you argued with Alvin again? Simon asked.

"She started crying harder than before"

Where did Alvin go? Jeanette said.

I think he'll be here, Brittany replied.

Why is he so irresponsible? Jeanette  angry

I think he just needs time. He's not that irresponsible , Simon replied.

If he care I think he should clear things up, not just disappear somewhere. Jeanette said.

He's Alvin. He's not that good at showing his feelings. He loves Brittany, I can assure you. Simon replied.

But-   Before Jeanette could say anything, Brittany yelled, stop !!! I said it was my fault, stop talking.

Oh Britt, let's go home. I think it's better to give you some rest , Jeanette helped Brittany to her feet.

"Brittany nodded. didn't say anything"

I'm leaving Alvin to you. Jeanette whispered to Simon, Hopefully he has a good reason.

Got it , Simon replied

"They walked out of Seville house"

Simon tried calling Alvin for a while but there was no answer.

I should call Theodore Simon picked up the phone and called Theodore.

Hi Simon, what's up? Theodore said.

You're at the skating rink, right? Have
you seen Alvin? Simon asked. 

I'm with Eleanor but I haven't seen Alvin. What's wrong?  Theodore replied.

There's nothing. Thanks Theodore. Simon hangs up.

Where are you, Alvin? Simon sighed.

"It's starting to rain"

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