Ch. 29 Never Alone

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Angela was surprised by how much she genuinely enjoyed going to Cara Cara. Juice was there most of the time helping with the tech, and she found most of the porn stars actually weren't half bad. Doing makeup for them had become a fun sort of hobby, not to mention every so often, Luann would slide her some cash or some fancy new lingerie she'd gotten at some wholesale store where she got the costumes from.

She'd just finished doing Lyla's make up and was packing up while the blonde shot her "Meek Men" video. Juice and Chibs were on the couch watching the whole scene, both unaware of how it ended. Lyla had already told her she was going to shove the bottle up the other actor's ass, and Angela honestly didn't feel the need to see it.

She felt Juice's presence before his hand came to rest on her hip. She straightened up from where she was leaning over her makeup bag, and leaned back into him as he wrapped his arms around her waist, setting his chin on her shoulder. "Hey you," she greeted, turning her head to kiss his cheek. "How'd you like that scene?"

"Not as much as I liked our shower scene this morning," he murmured in her ear. He was referring to the shower they'd shared before heading out for the day. It was rare they had to get up at the same time, so they took advantage and had a quickie in the shower.

She smiled, turning around in his arms, looking him over for a moment. His navy waffle knit shirt clung to his strong chest in the most perfect way. She wondered why the porn stars didn't flock to him the way they seemed to flock to Jax. His smile alone should've had them all chasing him, but they largely ignored him. It was fine with her; he was hers, and she didn't need anyone trying to get between them.

She grabbed onto the front of his cut, pulling him in close to catch his lips in a kiss. He responded a little too eagerly, moving his arms around her and drawing her into his chest. She lifted her hands to frame his face, enjoying the prickly feel of the stubble on his cheeks. His tongue slid into her mouth, and she could taste the salt from the potato chips he'd been sharing with Chibs.  His hands slid into the back pockets of her jeans, pulling her in even closer. Behind him, she could hear Luann starting to protest and shout about something, but she was so immersed in Juice, she didn't pay it any mind.

"Oi! Juicy boy! We gotta get goin'," Chibs called, though neither of them stopped until the Scot physically pulled Juice away with a hand on his shoulder. "C'mon, boy-o. We gotta get outta here 'fore shit hits the fan."

Juice's light brown eyes were still on her, that familiar lust filled look in them. She bit her lip, wishing they had more time. He smirked, and she had a feeling she had the same expression. "To be continued at home?" she asked, approaching him against and giving him another kiss, nipping at his bottom lip as she pulled away.

"Can't wait," he breathed, dipping his head to kiss her again. "See you at home, baby."

"See ya," she replied, pecking his cheek before pushing him towards Chibs just as Luann threw something in the office. "Go!"

He walked backwards, blowing her a kiss before he turned away and followed Chibs with a little hop and a cute, clumsy jog that made her giggle like a kid. God, she loved him.  She turned towards where Luann was stomping her feet and making quiet a racket. Lyla sauntered over to her slowly, her lipstick in bad need of a touch up from another scene they'd shot. "You got my color handy?" the blonde asked.

Angela nodded, digging in her pocket for it. She was planning to give it to her before she left. "Keep it," she said with a shrug. "What's goin' on with Luann?"

"They sent over one of the Sons to help with the books. She's not happy about it," Lyla said, taking a sip of water from the bottle in her hand. At Angela's quizzical look, she shrugged. "Old fat guy with the beard. She's probably freakin' out 'cause her books aren't the cleanest. Pretty sure she skims money somewhere or other. Sons'll probably be pissed when they find out."

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