Ch. 20 Always

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This chapter takes place at the end of SOA S1, Ep12, "Sleep of Babies" and was very hard to write. Just a warning that this one's a sad one...
(Also it's super long, but I didn't know where to cut it)

Gemma loved having Jax's house filled with their club family. Loved the constant chatter and the sporadic laughter. It made her heart warm to see how big their family had gotten, bigger still with Abel joining the mix. The club girls had worked hard decorating everything and getting the food together. Even Wendy had pitched in to decorate and was looking mighty proud sitting next to Jax on the couch. Angela had even stepped up her game, making little shortbread cookies with Abel's name carefully iced on them. Not only that, she hadn't been kidding when she'd offered to be the errand girl. Gemma had called her to pick up napkins once, then beer another time. Two things she really didn't need, but she was using it as a test of some sort. Angela came through in her big funeral home van, handed off the goods, and sped back out before she could get roped into anything else.

She glanced over to where Juice was standing by the food, beer in hand, seemingly entranced watching Angela with Abel in her arms. She was dressed nicely in a dark blue scoop neck t-shirt, black jeans, and simple boots. Her dark hair was down and straight with just the slightest hint of makeup on her face, though her lips were a pretty mauve color. Tara had a similar, casual but nice outfit on. Neither of the women were dumb, which led Gemma to believe they dressed on the nicer side to separate themselves from the Croweaters milling about in their low cut tank tops.

Angela was having fun with Abel, making faces at him as she rocked him back and forth. Kenny Winston stood beside her, laughing at the funny faces as Abel cooed back at them. Gemma looked back at Juice, fighting a smile at the absolute love she saw written all over his face. She nudged his arm, catching his attention. "She's a natural with kids."

Juice nodded slowly, the smallest smile tugging at his lips. "Yeah, she is," he replied reverently.

She wondered if he was thinking of their future. If someday soon, there'd be a little brown baby running around. "An Ortiz baby comin' soon then?" she asked, expecting him to freak out a little about the question.

He didn't bat an eye, though. Just shook his head slowly. "Not soon, but some day. Gotta marry her first or her aunt will kill me," he said on a chuckle. At Gemma's raised eyebrow, he shrugged as if he understood why she was surprised. "You are not the first person to ask about babies. Her Ma and Aunt do it all the time."

"Huh. Don't let 'em pressure you into that shit. She's got one hell of a family backin' her. You hurt her, and more than one of 'em will bury you."

Juice smirked, nodding his head. "I know," he said before taking a swig of his beer. "Not gonna happen, though."

Tig called his name from the couch, and Juice gave her a quick nod before heading his way, throwing himself on the couch beside him. His eyes stayed on Angela, though. Gemma watched, slightly amused as Juice held a conversation with Tig all the while sneaking glances at the undertaker. Angela was doing the same, though their timing was off. When one would look, the other wasn't looking. Typical, Gemma thought, shaking her head. She saw the moment they finally synced up though. Watched as Angela's smile widened, Juice grinning right back at her, calling her over with a silent jerk of his head. Gemma intercepted her on the walk over. "Here, I'll take him," she said, taking Abel from Angela's arms. Abel fussed for a moment but quieted down when Gemma rocked him. She nodded towards Juice. "You go tend to your boy."

Angela smiled, stretching her arm for a second with a happy sigh. "Thanks. He's surprisingly heavy."

Gemma nodded, enjoying the weight of her grandson in her arms. She watched as Juice sat back on the couch, moving an arm out to her. Angela filled the space, allowing him to pull her into his lap. His arm slid around Angela's waist, and she leaned in to kiss Juice's head. Gemma glanced over to where Wendy had cozied up to Jax, both of them happy to have Abel home. Maybe there was something there that could be salvaged after all. She knew she'd rather have Wendy beside him than Tara at this point, especially if Wendy got clean. She was going to do anything she could to make that happen. For Jax's sake and for Abel's. Wendy was the better fit into the SAMCRO lifestyle. Always had been. Gemma looked down at the now sleeping baby in her arms, things may just turn out all right.

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