[What...is this?] ?.?

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Satoru Gojo. Is there any need for an introduction at this point?

At 16, he is already hailed as one of the strongest sorcerers in Japan, possibly even the entire world at the moment. So what use did the strongest have for emotions such as fear?

None is what he'd tell you. He couldn't recall a moment where he felt true terror or helplessness. He recognised his strength even when he was as tall as Garou, a boy in a world where power like his was craved by the weak, who are and will always be below him.

Yes, he was born at the top. While he was being hunted by fully trained adults, he was still at the top. His very birth sent ripples throughout the Jujutsu world, a loud and threatening warning to curses and humans alike.

Even with these world-shattering expectations, he never felt scared of himself or his power. Nothing and no one could ever get him terrified. There were no assassination attempts, no ransom notes, no threats from the Zen'in clan, and not even his father could shake him.

Which is why the way he was shaking disturbed him so much.

It was raining—that much he could tell on his own. Upon closer inspection, the rain was matte black, with his six eyes allowing him to look at anything and recall even the most minute detail.

But that's not all he could see. He could feel the terrain below him, rough and jagged, as if he were standing on a battlefield that hadn't been recultivated yet. He could feel from the soles of his shoes that there was a large crack just where his pinky toe started; the crack had slithered its way to the heel of his foot, the diameter being too narrow for anyone to fall through.

The next thing he noticed was this strange coldness that enveloped everything around him. It wasn't a comforting cold like a gentle breeze or even a sharp cold like the wind in a snowstorm. Infinite cold was the only way he could describe it. It felt infinite. A never-ending cold swallows anything in its way. Without knowing how, he just knew that this coldness threatened every living thing on the planet.

It made a shiver crawl up his spine, but it wasn't the cause of his shaking. Even though he could feel this phenomenon hug his barrier of infinite time and space, his six eyes told him that this wasn't the real reason.

The final sense he kept was his vision. Even with his powerful eyes, it felt as if he was looking through foggy glasses. He couldn't understand what, but he knew someone was speaking in front of him. He couldn't hear this mysterious person or even the rain hitting the ground. Nothing was reaching his ears; it was as if the sound itself did not exist.

Something was thrown to the side; he was sure of that. Through his fogged vision, he saw a humanoid object clad in white being discarded to the side as if it weighed nothing. And for some reason, when this transpired, he felt as if his soul would be crushed in...guilt? Fear? ...Grief? He didn't know; all he knew was that whatever was happening, this version of himself did not like what he had just seen.

But that's just it. What did he see? He couldn't fathom what was happening; it was as if, instead of seeing it, he felt it. The thundering vibration of guilt racked his being, causing him to shake.

'Why do I feel like this is my fault?'

His six eyes told him this wasn't happening and that he was in no real danger, but his soul told him something else. Something wasn't right; where even was he?

What is happening to me?

"████ ██ ███"

His body moved by itself; whatever force made this vision commanded his hand to move in front of his face. Upon feeling something make contact, his blurred vision finally cleared as his hand moved to his chest in a one-handed cradle.

After what seemed like years of suspension, he looked down at what was in his hand.

A human heart, fresh from the chest, still splurting out blood.

It was upon gazing at the heart in his hand that he realised something: he wasn't shaking in fear; he wasn't frightened of whatever was happening around him.

'I'm... mad?'

Whatever was in front of him, human or curse, he felt the undeniable urge to end its life.

The boy shot up from his seat, cursed energy flowing and his eyes sharp. It took him a second to realise he was in a safe house, with a slumbering Amanai and Misako not too far away.

The boy took the time to calm his breathing down, letting the curse energy settle as a barrier around him, making sure that this time he didn't turn it off.

Better yet, he won't close his eyes again. He tells himself that he needs to stay awake for Amanai's sake to make sure nobody attacks them in their sleep.

But truth be told, he just didn't want to risk having another dream like that for a long time.

A/N: Just a lil somethin' to make sure you all know I haven't abandoned my stories, full chapter will hit you guys on the head soon (i hope)  🙏

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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