[The Reverse-Cursed Child] 2.2

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Garou had engaged in a spar with one of his fellow students, fighting under the supervision of Bang himself and the observation of Yuki Tsukumo.

Garou pushed his opponent against the wall, following with a kick to the solar plexus and a kick to the shin. Garou smirked at his superiority, his hands swaying as he placed multiple vicious strikes against his opponent's body, blood leaking from the other boy's mouth as he was battered against the wall.

The opposing boy ducked a strike and attempted to deliver a right hook; however, Garou expertly twisted his opponent's arm and flipped him over onto the matt below, sweat dripping from his brow as he caught his breath.

He closed his eyes as a genuine smile appeared on his face. The boy looked to Bang, internally cheering when he saw a small smile on the man's moustached face.

He turned to the observation area with the same smile on his face; however, it immediately dropped when he saw the frown on the special-grade sorcerer's face.

The scene changed. Bang and Yuki are outside the entrance to the dojo. The elder had his hands in his pocket, while the blonde had a casual expression. Their mouths moved, but Garou couldn't hear what they were saying very well. He could only pick up a few words.





Garou shot up, awakening within the four walls of his room. Sweat dripped from his face at the vivid dream in Bang's dojo. After recollecting himself, he looked at his nightstand to see a note. After wiping the sweat from his brow, he saw the note mention that both Gojo and Geto had left for their respective missions that would span a couple of days at the least.

He was upset at first, for he had wanted to watch the two in action again. He had been observing the two for just about a year and had tagged along on many of the minor missions they were sent on. The silver-haired boy frowned; he felt he was on the verge of figuring his two supervisors out. For the longest time, he had been trying to mimic their strength through cursed techniques. However, the boy had minimal levels of cursed energy; advanced sorcerers like Yuki Tsukumo and his friend Shoko had confirmed such a fact.

This had earned him the nickname "The Reverse-Cursed Prodigy" from some of the other students at Bang's dojo. He would be called this in spite, for he was the most skilled but the least talented in cursed energy-wise.

He fought against this, of course. Opting to beat the shit out of anyone that would try and downplay him using the cursed energy insult, which usually worked for a couple of days before the murmurs started again and louder than before.

Shoko found this little nickname adorable, and after confiding in her about it, she said that he should take that name with pride. He still remembered when she offered to teach him how to use the actual reverse-cursed technique, which he declined. 

The Mimic || 𝐉𝐮𝐣𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐮 𝐊𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐧Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu