Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Apollo Diaz

Six months later

June 1st.

Axton was always watching every single person who passed us–those calculating eyes ensuring there wasn't a threat lingering around. When he was satisfied, he turned back to Alaric and resumed their conversation about our evening plans.

Jason was meeting us soon–then closely after, Emery would be here. But that meant we were left outside Four Corners waiting for them to arrive. Aurora and Declan would be joining us later, too. We made it a point to see them more, and since their summer break was coming up–we wanted to make sure they knew they were welcome to hang out with us.

Jason and Emery sat us down one day and told us that they wanted to see Aurora more and that we hadn't seen Declan enough. We couldn't argue with him, though Declan came to our defense and told them they hadn't had the time. They'd both been accepted to Chapel Hill's medical school program, so that left them with even less time while they maintained their grades.

As for Jason and me, well, we were doing fucking amazing. He spent two nights at my house every single week, and I'd even gone over to get to know his parents. It took me a little longer to force myself over there after what I witnessed, but I knew it was important to Jason. When I met them officially, I saw exactly what Jason tried to explain to me, and that was it.

After that, they started partaking in Sunday dinner at my house, and I knew it made Jason even happier to see. They'd truly done everything in their power to turn their shit around for their son, and that was all I needed. They offered for me to stay the night over there, but based on the dreaded look on my boyfriend's face when his mom offered, I knew it wasn't something he wanted to do.

Something about his mother hearing everything.

Though, it wasn't like everyone in my house was fucking stupid, though. They knew. Axton, Emery, and Alaric would take to banging on our walls when we'd go quiet for too long. Then we retaliated by slamming our fists on either side of the wall with noises they never wanted to hear in their lives.

Eventually, I'd need to find my own place because I always had an appetite for the blond-haired, blue-eyed boy. My future. My everything.

I turned my head when I felt a presence stop behind us, then I fully faced the fucking intruder. Axton clocked it only a second after I did, and then Alaric. All of us stared with fury.

The red-headed girl cocked her head as her gaze traveled over all three of us–lastly landing on Axton. She then straightened up, not the least bit affected by our expressions and silent warnings to walk away. Instead, she looked...fucking bored. I glanced down at her head-to-toe black outfit. Everything from the fishnets over her black pantyhose, and black shorts to match–up to her leather jacket covering the only piece of color that was her barely-there shirt–her stomach showing through the cropped brown color.

She folded her arms across her chest–still analyzing us. I could feel the anger radiating from Axton seeing as he was the one caught in the sights of the mysterious girl with the firetruck red fucking hair.

Axton stepped forward. "Go. The. Fuck. Away."

She flicked her fingers as she started picking through them–not the least bit affected by the rabid animal in front of her. Then she fanned her fingers out, checking out her black nail polish, and refused to say a word. She stood here like she was supposed to be here when none of us had seen her a day in our fucking lives.

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