45* [ bonus ch.5 ]

Start from the beginning

Shubman's lips trailed a path of fervent kisses along Reethu's neck, leaving faint, tingling sensations in their wake. His movements were deliberate, each touch a testament to his longing for her, his desire burning bright in the fading light of the room.

As Reethu's hands found their way to the waistband of Shubman's shorts, her fingers trembling with anticipation, she couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement coursing through her veins. 

With hesitant fingers, she fumbled with the thread of his shorts, her breath hitching in her throat as she struggled to free him from the confines of his clothing.

Meanwhile, Shubman's lips continued their assault on Reethu's neck, leaving a trail of faint hickeys in their wake. Each gentle suck and nibble sent shivers of pleasure coursing through her body, her skin coming alive under his touch.

Lost in the throes of passion, Shubman moaned softly against Reethu's skin, his desire evident in every breathy exhale. His hands roamed freely, tracing the curves of her body with a reverence that left her breathless.

As Reethu's fingers finally succeeded in freeing Shubman from his shorts, she felt a surge of triumph wash over her. With trembling hands, she helped him remove the garment, her heart racing with anticipation for what was to come.

With a final, fervent kiss, Shubman gazed into Reethu's eyes, his desire burning bright in the depths of his gaze. "You drive me wild, Reethu," he murmured, his voice husky with desire. "I can't get enough of you."

Reethu's heart swelled with love at his words, her own desire burning hot in response. "I feel the same way, Shubman," she replied, her voice filled with longing. "I never want this moment to end."

As the passion between them reached its peak, Shubman's primal instincts took over, his desire burning hot and fierce. With a hungry growl, he leaned in closer to Reethu, his eyes dark with desire as he trailed a path of fervent kisses along her collarbone.

Sensations of pleasure danced across Reethu's skin, each touch sending shivers of ecstasy coursing through her body. The intensity of Shubman's desire was palpable, igniting a fire within her that threatened to consume her whole.

Feeling the overwhelming urge to possess her completely, Shubman's hands moved with purpose, his touch becoming more assertive as he gripped the fabric of Reethu's bra. With a swift, decisive motion, he tore the garment away, the sound of fabric rending filling the room as he threw it aside, joining the pile of discarded clothing on the floor.

Reethu gasped at the sudden display of dominance, her heart pounding in her chest as she looked up at Shubman with wide eyes. The raw intensity in his gaze sent a surge of desire coursing through her veins, her body responding instinctively to his commanding presence.

Shubman's lips descended upon hers with a ferocity that left her breathless, his kiss possessive and demanding as he claimed her as his own. Their bodies pressed together in a fervent embrace, the heat of their desire fueling the flames of their passion.

As the intensity of their passion grew, Reethu's breath came in short, ragged gasps. She leaned in close to Shubman, her lips brushing against his ear as she whispered, "Daddy..."

The word sent a shiver down Shubman's spine, igniting a primal desire within him. With a knowing smile, he reached into his bag and retrieved a pair of handcuffs, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

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