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Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, and Blaise Zabini all stood at platform 9 ¾, awaiting their train which would pick them, as well as all of the other returning students, up and take them to Hogwarts.

Draco's appearance had changed. Immensely. His hair had grown out, reaching around the end of his earlobe. His jawline was sharp and perfectly sculpted, though he was disturbingly thin, and his scolding grey eyes had lost most of their spark after the war.

"I don't even know why you decided to come back to Hogwarts, Draco. Your fathers in Azkaban, but there's no way you came here just to continue your education." Blaise said pointedly, raining one of his eyebrows at him.

"He only came back for another year so he could observe his precious Potter." Pansy mocked teasingly, elbowing Draco in the side, as he shoved her away.

"You're being ridiculous Pansy. I do not have a crush on the git." He shot back grumpily. Truth be told, he was, indeed, helplessly infatuated by the black haired, green eyed prat with cheap spectacles, As much as he hated to admit it. He had been since 3rd year. Possibly before, but he'd only came to terms with it at around that time.

"It's so obvious, Dray. Don't try to lie to me." Pansy scolded him, receiving a piercing gaze in return.

"How many times have I told you to not call me that, Pansy." He said, coldly, as he looked away. His eyes stopped at the sight of an unmistakable boy, with black hair and green eyes.

It was Harry Potter.

Dracos heart stopped beating for a moment as he continued to stare at the man. He had grown his hair out as well, causing it to fall lazily over the cheap glasses that were the poor source of his vision. Draco swallowed the lump in his throat as he could feel his cheeks heat up. He came back to reality, a hand waving in front of his face.

"Earth to Draco? Merlin, When are you not staring at him? It's beginning to get tiring." Pansy spoke, as if him staring at Potter had become a normal thing. Which, to be fair, it had.

"Shut up, Pansy." He spoke simply, as the train pulled up to the station. Draco took this opportunity and grabbed his trunk, practically running over to the entrance of the train. Pansy and Blaise sighed, following him.

Harry boarded the train, his trunk dragging behind him, as he entered an empty compartment, hoisting his trunk onto the space above them and sat down on one of the seats, leaning his head against the window. Ron and Hermione copied the gestures, and sat opposite him.

"Are you guys excited for the end of the year exams??" Hermione spoke excitedly. Ron groaned.

"Seriously, 'Mione? We haven't even got to Hogwarts yet and your already talking about exams." He complained, and Harry had to admit that he was right. Thinking about exams before even reading the school was outrageous, in his opinion.

"He's right. Anyways, we should go use the bathroom before the train leaves." He said, and his friends agreed as they strode out of the compartment.

Soon, Draco, Pansy, and Blaise open the compartment door.

"Hmm.. looks like someone's already been here." Pansy assumes, picking up a study guide for the N.E.W.T's exams.

"Probably just a group of 4th years. We can scare them off with no problem." Draco said, shrugging his shoulders and putting his trunk in the space above them and flopping onto the seat, falling asleep almost immediately. Pansy soon followed, as Blaise stayed up to read a book.

Soon, Harry, Ron, and Hermione opened the door to their compartment, stopping dead in their tracks at the people before them.

"Zabini, Parkinson?? Malfoy?!" Ron Said in a surprised, yet confused tone.

"That would be us, Weasel." Blaise said pointedly, resting his hand in his palm, "There were no more empty compartments, so we sat here." He added.

Hermione just nodded curtly and took a seat next to Pansy , while Ron sat, albeit reluctantly, next to Draco. Harry soon followed, sitting down beside Draco as he stared out the window, falling asleep.

A few minutes later, Draco awoke, soon followed by Harry. Harry let out a soft yawn that brought a surge of heat too Draco's cheeks.

"What are you doing here, Potter?" He asked coldly.

" did sit in our compartment." He pointed out.

"..Right." Draco admitted, and turned away, suddenly, Harry stood up.

"I'm done with our rivalry, Malfoy. It's childish, and we're adults. I'm not asking to be best friends, but maybe we could be cordial?" He asked confidently, though Draco could practically taste the nervousness on the tip of his tongue.

"What are you suggesting, Potter?"

"A truce." He answered simply, sticking his hand out. Draco stared at it, with a blank stare. Inside, though, was different. The 11 year old in him was doing excited backflips at this proposition. This is what he'd wanted since he was 11 years old. So why was he so nervous?

"Uhm... okay.." Draco said, unsure, as he clasped Harry's hand in his own. A bright smile flashed across Harry's face, and Draco knew he had made the right choice.


That's chapter 1! What do you think?? 😓😓

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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