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Royal AU Ranboo is a prince and Tubbo is a spy who falls in love and betrays his own kingdom.

TWs cuddling, unhealthy living conditions, sickness, beheading, self harm, blood

Tubbo was  ordered to spy on the end kingdom so he would go undercover as the prince's servant. But he caught feelings and they both fell in love.

One morning to couple woke up as normal, Tubbo's head resting on the others chest and the tallers hand  tangled in his hair.

"Morning bee, how's you sleep?"

"Good, you?"


Tubbo sat up and stretched before climbing out of the bed and standing infront of the mirror to fix his hair.

"Where are you going?" Ranboo sat up and admired the smaller boy.

"To see the other servants we have a meeting," Tubbo slid his shoes and and was ready to leave.

"I'll see you later then?" Ranboo moved so they were sitting on the side of the bed. They opened their arms offering a hug.

"Yeah I'll be back in around an hour," Tubbo hugged them tightly and Ranboo patted his hair.

"That's sooo long though,"

"I know but I gotta go,"

Tubbo stepped back and looked at them in the eyes. There was a loud banging at the door before 4 guards burst in, all of the pointing their crossbows at Tubbo. He quickly held im his hands in the air.

"Woah woah woah lower your crossbows," Ranboo stood infront of him.

One of the guards pulled Ranboo back and the four of them stood between him and Tubbo.

"Stay back your majesty,"

"Don't shoot him, that's an order,"

"He's a traitor, a spy from another kingdom. He will be punished by beheading," Two of the guard grab Tubbo's hand and hold them behind his back.


"I'm sorry Ran.." Tubbo locked eyes with him as the guards took him away.

Ranboo gave him a look of anger, hurt, betrayal and more.

"I can't believe you.."

"Lock him up in the cellar, he will be executed in a week," Ranboo looked Tubbo dead in the eyes as he said that.

"Please don't do this.. I love you,"

"No you don't, you're a filthy liar. You don't love me you were using me to get information,"

"Ran I swear-"

"Rot in hell," Ranboo slams their bedroom door, rage filling his body. He picked up the glass rose Tubbo gave him for his birthday and was about to smash it into pieces when they stopped. If Tubbo really was a traitor why did he stay for a whole 3 years? Why hadn't Tubbo killed him yet? He needed answers. They got dressed and grabbed a weapon just in case and headed to the cellar there were two guards out the front, the only way in and out of the cellar.

"Your majesty, what brings you to the cellar?"

"I would like to see someone,"

"Are you sure? It's not exactly, sanitary down there,"

"I'm sure, let me in please,"

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: May 12 ⏰

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