~ Ṉèvéṟ Çhàṉgê ~

130 4 2

Tws weight shaming, mentions of throwing up, self h@rm, weight insecurity, crying, small kisses, self h@tred, family favouritism, blood, dizzy spells, light headed, starvation, swearing

Tubbo was getting ready to go to Ranboo, his bf's, house for a sleepover and he was about to leave when his mum came out into the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" His mum said while starting to wash the dishes.

"To Ran's," Tubbo was about to leave.

"Ok well have fun, don't eat too much. You need to watch your weight I don't want you to get bullied online," His mum was serious.

Tubbo POV

"You need to watch your weight I don't want you to get bullied online," My mum said with full seriousness. Oh. I didn't think I was that fat but my mum's words lingered in my mind, I didn't even realise she was talking to me.


"Hm? Sorry, zoned out for a second," I laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of my neck.

"I said you need to watch your weight, I don't want people to make fun of you," she hugged me.

"Bye have fun," I awkwardly hugged back.

"Bye, mum," I said, then I left. Her words kinda hurt I didn't think I was that fat. Maybe I was. Ok, I'll try not to eat too much at Ranboo's, shouldn't be too hard. It's 6pm, I'll just say I had dinner at home before I came and I'll just make myself throw up if I eat anything, yeah ok I'll do that.

*Time skip* (Tubbo arrives at Ranboo's) 3rd person POV

Tubbo knocked on the door and one of Ranboo's mums answered the door.

"Hi Tubbo! Ran is upstairs in their room," She smiled sweetly at me and gestured for me to come in. I smiled back and nodded before heading up to Ranboo's room.

Tubbo POV

I walk right in and collapse on the bed next to where Ranboo was lying.

"Hi," Ranboo started patting my hair as I was lying face down.

"Mhm," I say staying in the same position.

"Are you ok?" Ranboo started massaging my head.

"Yeah... My Aunt is staying over for the next week, and she is my mum's twin soooo... yeah, how has your day been?" I say muffled into the bed sheets.

"Lonely but now you're here!" I could tell Ranboo was happy, and so was I. I have waited all day to see them! I rolled over and laid my head on their lap. He started playing with my hair.

"You hungry? My mums are making dinner soon," I got a bit nervous, I hated lying to them.

"Nah, I had dinner before I came," I leaned my head into their hand.

"Ok that's fine we can have snacks later anyway," They smiled at me, I smiled back. I was internally panicking  I didn't want to eat I wanted to lose weight, I was starting to think my mum was right maybe I was too fat.  I was wearing jeans and a hoodie and suddenly I felt really insecure in the jeans they were almost skin-tight.

(basically just normal jeans lol but not the ones that and like tight tight and you can see everything, the ones that IRL Tubbo normally wears)

I was feeling really self-conscious and I had sweatpants in my bag. I wanted to change so I did.

"I'm gonna go change into something comfy," I crawled off Ranboo's lap, pulled my sweatpants out of my bag and went into Ranboo's bathroom to change. I stopped and stared at myself in the mirror. Wow. My mum was right I really need to start watching my weight. I cringed at my reflection, I hated how I looked. I felt tears pricking at my eyes. I quickly looked away and changed into my sweatpants and left the bathroom. I stuffed my jeans in my bag and buried my face in Ranboo's chest I was trying so hard not to cry and just being with Ranboo helped me stay calm even though they had no idea I was almost crying. I felt their hand in my hair and soon after I fell asleep.

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