oppa or bhai

22 5 2

....................Time skip to home ...................

Mahi thinking that what will happen if Mr.Kim & her mother get married BTS will bully her in home &school she can't let that happen , she have to do something

Manu , sweety !
She come out in her senses when her mother yelled her name

Mahi :- What happened why are you yelling

Mrs.Saha :- I called you 5-6 times you were
zoned out , so tell what happened
Why don't you like Mr .kim he is
good man he loves me plz try to
Understand i love him I can't leave
without him

Mahi :- Ok I am fine with it

_______________ on the other side ______________

As soon as Mahi and her mother exited from the house, Mr. Kim's smiling face turned into a cold one.

Mr. Kim: So, where are we...oh yeah, you guys are not happy with this marriage?

He said it calmly but they all can hear his threatening undertone that can send chills down to anyone's spine but not them since they are used to it.

Jin: Why are you bringing them in this mess!

Mr. Kim: Because I love her!

Suga snorted.

Suga: Are you sure it's love?

Mr. Kim: What do you mean?

His voice trembled little due to his anger.

Suga: Because, the way I see it, it looks like an obsession.

Mr. Kim: Careful son, you don't want to end up in a hospital.

He glared at Suga but Suga did not back down, he also glared back at him. RM felt the tension rising in the atmosphere and he knew if this continued then there would be bad consequences, so he stepped in.

RM: Suga Hyung, go to your room.

Suga: Why...

Jin: Suga.

Jin said in a strict voice. Suga huffed and left the living room.

Mr. Kim: You all, also go to your room and remember that I am marrying Mahi 's mom one way, or another so just accept it.

Taehyung: I won't let that happen!

He said and stomped off to his room.

Jimin: Me too! I don't want that b*tch as my sister!

He spat the words and walked off angrily to his room.

Jin: Yeah dad, they are not eligible to become part of this family.

Mr. Kim just stares at him in anger. Jin sighed and left the room, other brothers also followed him.

3rd person point of view

---In RM's bedroom---

Jungkook: Hyung, I don't understand why you all are so worked up about this news, it's not like dad is going to keep her here forever.

RM: Have you seen how dad has been behaving for the past few months? He is behaving like a lovestruck teenage bad boy.

Jungkook: There is nothing to worry about Hyung. He is just having fun with Mahi 's mom and when he will get tired of her, he will
throw her out just like he did with many other women, so chill.

RM: Well he didn't marry any of them though. Did he?

Jungkook: Hyung, you should be happy that we are getting a new cute toy for our entertainment.

Mafia step brother जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें