Chapter 1

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Year 1997

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Year 1997

"It's so chilly here! I will freeze!" Avantika exclaimed as her friend dragged her to the local market. Avantika Goel is a young journalist, new in her career. She is passionate about her job, always looking forward to boosting her experiences in the vast field of journalism. With a fluent accent and well versed in politics and economics, she makes a perfect news reporter and that is why she was in Kashmir.

Jammu and Kashmir, the state known for terrorism, citizens still shiver to think about how much bloodshed took place amidst the peaceful valleys of Kashmir. The snow capped mountains, the beautiful waterfalls and the serene environment make it look like that this place was always God's abode. Kashmir has always been known for its enchanting and peaceful valleys.

But the reality is far from this. Kashmir witnesses brutal deaths every year, the sounds of deadly gunfire still echoes in the silent valleys, the scared faces of children, the terrified public and the evil laughter of the terrorists make Kashmir a terror.

And that is why even journalists fear to telecast the news of Kashmir. Avantika, however, moves out of the league. She took it as an opportunity to broaden her experience and also impress her seniors.

"Oh come on Queen Elizabeth, it is not that cold. Look, there are so many beautiful shawls in that shop! Let's check them out", Pankti, her friend excitedly exclaimed. Avantika shook her head and followed her best friend. Pankti, however, ran giggling, just in mood to tease her friend a bit.

She ran to match her pace and finally they both stopped at a local Kashmiri shop which sold shawls. Pashmina shawls are known all over the world for their classy fabric and designs. The trade every year gets the country a decent revenue amount.
Avantika hesitantly entered inside along with Pankti who chirped excitedly seeing the perfectly woven fabric. Pankti tapped Avantika's shoulder, pointing at the brilliant shawls hanging at the corner of the shop. Somewhere, she was worried about their safety. Her senior had just told them to reach the lodge as soon as their plane landed. He had specifically warned them to not roam around alone, without their team.

The shopkeeper smiled at the two. Avantika nodded at the old man warmly, her gaze still set up on the small shop. Her scrutinising gaze travelled from one corner to the other, for some reason she was feeling giddy, as if something was going to happen.

"Pankti, let's go back", Avantika whispered as the shopkeeper kept looking at the two of them. Pankti casted an annoying look at her friend and ushers, "What's wrong in buying a shawl? My mom will be so happy".

Avantika, opened her mouth to say something when she saw a beautiful shawl in maroon pink, her favourite colour. Her eyes sparkled in adoration seeing the beautiful woven design and golden coloured beads increasing the beauty of the already classy shawl. She pointed at the shawl but heard a deep manly voice say, "Faizal bhai, give me that maroon coloured shawl, my mother will love it".

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