Avantika opened her mouth in annoyance and turned to come face to face with a tall well built man. She was all set to argue that she was buying the shawl when she noticed the Indian Army uniform the man was wearing. Her gaze travelled to his face. He had a perfect jawline, deep brown straight hair and beautiful black eyes.

"Ahem, ma'am I know I am handsome but your gaze is making me feel awkward", she heard him say. Her eyes widened as the realisation drew upon her. She was ogling at him. It was not her, she never behaved like that but this man had something special.

She looked down in embarrassment but then she suddenly looked up and argued, "Sir please buy some other shawl, I had already chosen the maroon one". That man looked at her curiously and said, "Of course, no problem, I will buy another shawl."

Avantika's lips turned into a cheerful smile as she said, "Thank You so much umm"

"Captain Jai Singhal at your service ma'am", he introduced himself with a grin. Avantika giggled and nodded.

"Yea, thankyou Captain", she said and smiled. The young soldier exited from the shop with a smile on his face. Avantika looked at his retreating back wondering why he didn't choose some other shawl. Shrugging her shoulders, she thought to forget the matter, maybe he desperately wanted that maroon shawl.
Looking back at the shopkeeper, she once again pointed at the maroon shawl. The shopkeeper, Faizal smiled at her and packed the shawl in a paper bag.

"Bhaiya, please pack that light pink one as well", she said pointing at another shawl. She smiled and decided to give this shawl to that man. These people do so much for the country and it would be so little if she doesn't give him the shawl he wanted.

Avantika opened her handbag to pay the price and collected the paper bag. She ran her gaze around the shop to find Pankti but she didn't see her anywhere. Panic stricken, she rushed out of the shop and searched around. Where did Pankti suddenly vanish? She was with her until she started conversing with Captain Jai.

An idea suddenly struck her. She ran around in the market to find the soldier she just conversed with, maybe he could help her. Of course he would, he is in the army, he would definitely help her. She took a relieved breath when she spotted him talking to another soldier sitting in the army jeep. She ran towards him quickly.

"Captain, please help me, I can't find my friend, she was with me in the shop but she vanished suddenly. I searched all the shops around but couldn't find her", Avantika cried in a single breath, worrying about her best friend. If something happens to Pankti, she won't be able to forgive herself. It was her who convinced Pankti to accompany her in Kashmir. Negative thoughts swirled in her mind as she imagined the worst consequences. What if she was taken hostage by a terrorist?

Captain Jai looked at her in surprise. He didn't expect they would meet again. His friend raised his eyebrows at him. Jai shrugged his shoulders and asked, "Ma'am, what is her name?"

"Pankti, Pankti Sharma", Avantika cried. Her eyes teared up at the thought of Pankti being kidnapped.

"Do you have her photograph or any ID?" The other man, whom she hadn't taken any notice of, asked with a frown on his face. A very tear-stricken  Avantika looked up and vigorously nodded.

Shuffling through her handbag, she took out their office identity cards which she had just kept for a situation like this. Sniffling, she handed the card to Captain Jai. Their fingertips brushed against each other, igniting a set of sparks through Avantika's frail body, but she didn't pay heed to the weird sensation that ran down her spine. She was just worried about her best friend. God knows what happened to her!

"That will work, we will find her, don't worry, she won't be far away. I am sure she must have forgotten her way", Jai pacified but to no avail. Avantika by now was sobbing with her hand on her mouth. Jai looked at his comrade who said, "Come on, let's find her".

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