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As the sun sets and the towns people settle down for rest. A new figure awakens. A scrappy homeless raccoon hybrid kid awakens from behind a dumpster behind a cafe crawling out of the small crawl space behind the green dumpster his bright blue eyes adjusting to the darkness with with ease he stretches.

His raccoon tail swishing slightly as he shakes the bits of dirt off him. He climbs on top of the dumpster using it to climb on top of the cafe.

He looks over the part of the empire he's in. He has been planning to sneak into the main guards camp as he has heard from his past allies that they have really good food there. Even if it's heavily guarded as it's supposed to be for the meeting the leader knights from all the kingdoms of the empire for tomorrow.

But of course he's not just going to walk there normally. Especially if he's not normal at least to the towns folk most of them see him as a theif and a pest anyway. It wouldn't surprise him if the royal family know about his stealing habits.

He releases any horse or animal tied by a rope freeing them as they start to run around the town. Effectively annoying the town folk in the process. He laughs as he grabs some mud and makes a black raccoon like mask around his eyes. He climbes a small building with slight difficulty and hops across the buildings close to it he jumps off them when he gets close to the wall.

He attempts to do a cool roll on his way down so he doesn't hurt himself but fails miserablely and takes to long making him land on his stomach knocking the wind out of him. When he wakes up the next morning he will likely have a nasty bruise on him but he doesn't care.

He tried to laugh it off his laugh sounding painful. He gets up and continues running high on adrenaline he tries to climb the wall but his tattered red sneakers keep slipping so he tries a different strategy going to the wooden gate and trying to fit through it.

He somehow manages to do it though not without tattering up his white and red sleeved shirt he stole from a clothing store but he continues forward.

He has managed to get into the main part of where the empire is the kingdom where the castle is along with the knights place exactly where he wanted he ran through the town many townfolk yelling at him some trying to block his path but he merely shoved them.

When one of the guards of the area tries to grab his wrist to try and keep him still he merely bites their wrist and runs off and hides.

He waits a bit until he hears the guards shushing the people to go back to their houses and that everything is fine now. The guard that he bit talks about he will probably need to go to the doctor. As he thinks tommy is rabid.

Tommy takes that as a compliment deciding that since the guard was nice he doesn't need another chomping.

He stays away from the guards staying in more of the brush like areas when he reaches the knight area he looks for the building where they keep the kitchen he sees a building with some word but he recognizes one of the letters as k which kind of sounds like kitchen when you say it.

Though it was his only way to tell as he never learned to read never really finding a need for it anyway. But now he was kind of wishing he knew at least a bit more. He decides to just go for it and if it fails then it's all just more fun when he runs in the cooks immediately notice him and start trying to alert the knights.

Tommy realizes he has to act fast he grabs whatever food he can and runs for it jumping out of a window for the exit sprinting fast finding the scenario by the time the knights would get there it would be too late.

He knew he probably would be known and wanted. But he didn't care. He was just happy to have more fans.

He ran into a more forest part and scrambled to climb a tree so even if the do look in the forest at least he has a hiding spot he eats the bread he gathered but still finds that he's bored and still hungry enough.

He realizes he has never stolen from the castle. And decides he might as well get a souvenir while he's in the area.

The Royal Raccoon Hybrid (SBI story)Where stories live. Discover now