☆Chapter 8

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Hey readers, before we start, let's vote for a name for the nurse😔

(it's because I'm indecisive as fuck)

Here's some names people requested
1. Nurse Hart (Or was it Nurse Heart?)
Requested by yxeppy

2. Nurse Cupcake
Requested by limepalettes

Y'all can request some names until May 19, 2024 (ik we may have diff timezones but I'm Filipino so idk)
Btw the story takes place the next day at school<3

Reader P.O.V:

   I walk into the backdoor instead of going through the front of the school since it felt sort of awkward and I know that probably Oliver and his little gang would probably be near the front door.

Right there, I saw a door in a corner labeled “Alice's room”, I felt the sudden urge to open it, I wanted to but I had second thoughts and decided to not open it, something definitely felt eerie and not normal about the room. I don't remember seeing this room before, nor this door here. It was kind of creepy.
I don't know who this “Alice” girl is but I've heard about her before.

Why would the school even have a room dedicated to her? Whatever.

The door creeked open mysteriously, It sort of shocked me, Inside the room was nothing but darkness. I saw a figure, standing in the corner, it didn't seem to notice me, atleast that's what I thought, I wasn't really, Sure? .

It turned around and saw me, I stood there panicking. I didn't want it to harm me. I didn't know it's intentions but I was afraid of it...
And sadly, short

(275 words)

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