Sweets and Frogs and Snails

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(Alistair POV, finally lol)

"Lads, I'm having my boyfriend come over, so please don't act up."

"Ugh, I don't think anyone here cares about smelly French frog Francis."

"Arthur! That's not very nice of a baby brother!" Said Dylan as he picked Arthur up onto his lap

"Ugh, let go of me!"

"Yeah don't worry Alistair, we'll be good!" Said Conner

"Mhm." Agreed Sean

"Thank you all. Dylan, stop kissing Arthur so much."

"Ugh, thank you Alistair! I don't want your slobbery kisses anymore."


"I'm hungry." said Arthur

"And that's why I brought you food!" Said a familiar French accent as he opened the door

"Wait how did you get into my house?"

"Oh I think Sean gave me a spare key."

"Okay just don't scare me again." I laughed

"Where's my favorite brother of yours Alistair?" Asked Francis

"Right there, being tickled by Dylan on the couch."


"Ugh, the frog is here."

"I brought you food!"

"What is it, snails?"

"No no, I know you don't like that." Said Francis as he opened the tray to show varieties of sweets

"Wow!" Said Arthur, "I want one bloody now!"

"Bien s-"

"Nuh uh Arthur. What's the magic word?" I said as I intentionally cut off Francis

"Please. Please may I have a sweet?"

"Of course mon chèri! Everyone can help themselves."

I decided to take one of Francis' sweets knowing how well of a baker and cook he is, and of course, he didn't fail to impress me this time as well.

"Francis, these are really good!" said Dylan, "What do you think Arthur?"

Arthur just had his sweet in his hand still.

"Arthur, what's wrong?" Asked Conner

"I'm scared there's a frog or a snail in here."

Everyone couldn't help but laugh. Even me.

"Arthur, don't worry. I'm sure Francis doesn't put frogs or snails in everything." Said Sean as he was still laughing

"Well, let's hope so." I added

"It looks good but I'm just scared."

"Ah! Don't worry, mon petit lapin. Do you want me to feed you?"

"No. If you feed me, there is definitely a dead frog or snail in here."

This was round two of giggling.

"Arthur, can I feed you then?" Asked Dylan with that cute smirk on his face


"Aww, why can't I feed you but Dylan can?"

"Because Dylan isn't a frog."

"Awh. Okay."

"Fine. If you feel that bloody bad, you can feed me after Dylan."


"Francis and Dylan, I don't know what's your obsession with babying Arthur, but you both seem to love it." I added

"Of course we do!" They both said in union

"I am NOT a baby. I am bloody thirteen years old!"

"But you look like you're ten." Conner laughed

"One day, I'll show you guys!"

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