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(Francis' POV)

School finally ended and I was going to meet up with Alistair to walk home. British school is weird, we have to wear uniforms. I liked French school much more, but I like it here in the UK as well.

I saw Alistair's youngest brother at the other side of the hall way and couldn't help but run towards him and pick him up.

"Arthur!!!" I said in adoration

"Ugh Francis get off of me git! This is embarrassing!"

"Where's Alistair?" I asked as I kissed his cheeks

"Ugh no kissing! You're dating my brother, not me! And you both are three years older than me!"

"But I find you cute!"

"Nuh uh."


He slightly slapped me and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Go cuddle 5 year olds, not 13 year olds like me."

"But you look so small to be 13."

"Shut up."

"There you two are." Said Alistair as he surprised the both of us

"Dylan, Sean, and Conner left early today. It'll be the three us and your sister."

"Oh Lucille didn't come to school today. So just us."

"Oh okay. Arthur, do you want anything to eat?" Asked Alistair as he played with Arthur's already messed up hair

"Ugh stop touching me. And I wanted food from that good Indian restaurant near our home."

"Can do so." Said Alistair "It'll take a while though."

"I can wait. I'm not a big back, like you both." Arthur giggled as he jumped out of my arms and started running down the hall way.

"Wait for us!" I called out

Alistair ran and caught Arthur in his arms.

"Ugh fine. But if you're going to touch me, you're going to carry me home!"

"Will do!" I said happily as I took Arthur from Alistair's arms

"And like this the entire time!"

"As you say, King Arthur." Said Alistair as he rolled his eyes

"Yes I'm King!"

"Wait a minute. King Arthur is great. You'll just be Prince Arthur." Added Alistair

"No! I wanna be King Arthur."

"Okay King Arthur." I said as I kissed his cheek. We exited the school and began to walk to where Arthur wanted to pick up food.

"Francis, why is your hair long? You're a man!"


"Don't worry Alistair. Well, I think it's very beautiful on me."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, frog."

Alistair wrapped his hand around me and kissed my forehead while seeing me and Arthur quarrel

"Arthur you are so cute! I'm gonna say it again. You're our baby."

"Who's baby?"

"Mine and Alistair's. Lucille is our baby too."

"Nuh uh. I'm mom and dads baby. Or Dylan's, and that's only because his annoying face keeps calling me baby brother."

"But you're our baby too."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."




"Yes you a-"

"We're here." Said Alistair as he cut us off

"Yay! I want food now." said Arthur In excitement

ScotFra/FraScot One shots (Human AU)Where stories live. Discover now